The Luckiest.

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My dad spent the rest of the week with me. Friday came and Once-ler was on his way down to help me get home. I packed some of my things. I still felt shaky when trying to walk, but what could I expect after spending a week laying in bed. Once-ler called when he was a few minutes away from the hospital. I wobbled into the bathroom and tried to make myself look nice. It was odd that my dad hadn't shown up yet. But he stayed pretty late last night keeping me company. There were footsteps outside the door. I poked my head out to see my mom standing there. She forced a smile. I knew that smile. It was the smile she gave me when my father left us. When he packed up while I was sleeping one night I woke up to this same smile.

"Are you kidding me?" I asked.

"Fleur, I know you're-"

"Are you fucking kidding me?!"


I stormed out of the room. My mom tried to stop me, but I was running down the hallway. I turned the corner and was gone before she could catch up to me.

When I arrived at Fleur's room just her mom was sitting in the room. I looked around, Fleur was not in the room. Before I could ask her mother explained everything.

"So where is she now?" I asked.

"I don't know. She won't answer her phone," she sighed, "I told him to just leave. I knew he was going to do this. I'm sorry you had to come back to this."

"Which way did she go?"

"Down the hall, but I doubt she's still here."

"I'm just going for a walk, I'll be back."

I followed the hallway and sent a text to Fleur. She didn't respond so I called after a few minutes. Before she ignored my call my ears had heard something. I tried calling again as I definitely heard her ringtone this time. There was a nearby stairwell. I pushed the door open and heard sniffing. There she was sitting on the stairs her head buried into her arms. I walked down a few steps and sat next to her. My arm wrapped around her shoulder. Her body pulled into mine as she looked up at me. I smiled at her.

"Ya know, I thought you'd be happy to be getting out of here," I said.

"I am, it's just-"

"I'm just glad to see you up and out of bed. We should celebrate, how do you feel about sushi tonight?"

"Anything that isn't this horrible hospital food sounds amazing."

"Well we can't go with you hanging out on these stairs. Wanna go get your stuff?"

She nodded. I helped her up and we walked back to her room. Her mom stood up immediately and hugged her. I knew Fleur was upset. To be honest I was kind of upset this man continued to do this to her. But I watched her smile and behind that beautiful smile of hers, I knew she was heartbroken. We packed up her things and headed out of the hospital. When we arrived back at her house she stormed up the stairs and slammed her door shut. I hadn't realized I flinched at the noise.

"She just needs some time to cool off," her mom sighed.

"Why did he leave?"

"He always does this I don't know why I let him stay so long."

"It's not your fault."

She agreed, but I could tell even she was upset with him. I sighed and sat at the table. My body tensed with every loud noise caused by them. I felt like a child hearing my parents argue again. Fleur stomped down the stairs. She was eighteen years old acting like a little kid. It was upsetting me that she was acting like this. She walked in the kitchen and asked if I was ready to go. I nodded silently; afraid any slip up would only upset her more. We went to the restaurant her mom had taken us to when Fleur and I first started dating. We barely talked to each other. She talked a bit about her school situation. After awhile she seemed to lighten up. That is until she overheard some people talking at a nearby table.

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