Turkey Day Dinner.

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So a bit more on the adult-esque content. Turn around now if you are uncomfortable with that sort of stuff. If not, read on and enjoy!

It was early the next morning when the alarm went off. I shot up and slammed the snooze button. Once-ler pulled me back into bed. My eyes closed rather eagerly. This was much earlier than I normally got up. And it was still dark out so that didn't help me wake up any faster. It was quick that I drifted back to sleep. It didn't last long as the alarm went off ten minutes later. I groaned and sat up once more.

"What time is it?" Once-ler groaned.

"About quarter after five," I mumbled.

"In the morning?!"

"Yes. I have things to cook, remember?"

I poked his forehead playfully as I yawned. His hand grabbed mine as I went to stand up.

"Stay for a bit longer?" he asked softly.

"You know I'd love to, but you also know I have a lot to do. We'll have time tonight, I promise."

I leaned my head down and gave him a kiss on his forehead. He smiled for a moment before closing his eyes again. His arms wrapped around the pillow. I grabbed some clothes from the drawers before heading into the bathroom. I shut the door most of the way and changed my clothes. Quietly, I headed out of the room. I shut the door to my room and headed downstairs. I was the first person awake. The first thing I did was make some coffee. Now, I didn't drink coffee much, but I definitely needed it this morning. I stood in front of the fridge. There were a bunch of vegetables I stashed on the bottom shelf. I set them on the counter and started chopping them up. When the coffee finished, I poured myself a cup. By the time everyone started waking up I had unknowingly finished an entire pot on my own. Most of the sides were done by that point. My mom, Roger and Once-ler had all woke up in a matter of minutes from each other. They all came downstairs and stopped at the kitchen entrance. I was moving quickly through the kitchen.

"Hey guys good morning!" I said quickly.

"Are you alright?" Once-ler asked.

"No, you're asking the wrong questions," mom said, "Fleur, how much coffee did you have so far?"

"Not much. Really just a few glasses. I made breakfast since I heard you guys getting up. It's on the table."

The three of them stared at me, but I was too busy to notice. My mom walked over to the coffee pot and lifted it up. She shook her head and started a new one. Once-ler and Roger sat at the table. They started eating. All three watched as I moved around the kitchen.

"It was a full pot of coffee," she informed them.

"I give her until about one," Roger laughed.

"Huh?" Once-ler asked.

"She doesn't drink coffee often. But she gets really amped up for a while and then she will crash."

"What about dinner?" he asked.

"Oh, it will pretty much be done by then. I take over and make sure it's all set," mom replied.

"This is normal?"

"Only when she drinks this much coffee."

My mom cleaned up the dishes from breakfast. They left me alone in the kitchen. Once-ler went upstairs to get dressed for dinner. He came back down about forty minutes later.

"You look really nice. Are you nervous? I promise I didn't burn anything."

"Try breathing between your words."

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