The Unexpected Visitor.

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Once-ler had to leave the next day.  After all there was still school and we only had a few weeks until we graduated.  I wanted to get back to school sooner.  The idea of not graduating was weighing heavily on my mind.  There was nothing I could do.  The doctors weren't going to release me any time soon.  I had to admit I was happy Once-ler was discharged so soon.  At least that meant he was okay; better than me at least.  My mom had talked to the principle who discussed a game plan with my teachers.  They decided to cut back on the homework, and offered another option for me.  Connor brought my books to the hospital the day after Once-ler left.  He strolled through the door and set the books on a table near my bed.

"Well, here we are again," he laughed, "you just can't stay out of trouble."

"Good to see you, too," I laughed.

"Emily, gives her best."

He flopped into the seat near me.  His feet kicked up by mine on the bed.

"How's Once?"

"Well they let him out.  So, better than me."

"Good, ya know if I knew this would happen I wouldn't have brought him back."

"Yeah, 'cause that's why this happened."

"Shame about Maya."

"Yeah," my voice dropped to a whisper.

"S-sorry, I forgot you saw..." he said quickly.

"It's okay.  I just wish I could have done something more for her."

"Nothing we can do now," he tossed a book onto my lap, "better get crackin' on studying."


"Didn't your mom tell you yet?"

"Tell me what?"

"That you gotta pass your finals to graduate.  Lucky you, no extra homework."

"Really?" I asked as my eyes lit up.

"Yeah, that's it."

"What a relief!  I thought I was gonna have to stay another year."

"Only if you don't pass, but I'll help you study."

"Thanks, Connor."

"No worries," his eyes stared at something for a moment, "hmm."

"What's wrong?"

It looked like his mind was thinking about something.  He continued as he stared at the same spot.  Then as if something finally clicked into place, he jumped up.  His hand grabbed my left one and pointed at the ring on it.

"What is this Fleur?!" he exclaimed.

"Uh,  well..."

"Where did you get this ring?"

"From Once-ler," I looked away blushing.

"" he stumbled over his words.

"Okay.  Well, he and I realized we didn't want a life without each other.  And he kinda just asked me when I woke up."

"But you guys are too young!  I mean, I'm happy, but how do you know you'll be happy with him forever."

"I guess I don't," I laughed, "but I can't see Oncie changing so much that I'd ever hate him, or stop loving him."

"Well, good for you two then!  I hope you're both very happy."

"Thanks, Connor."

I hadn't missed much over the few days I was out.  Connor said not much else was happening in my classes.  All my teachers wished me a speedy recovery.  We caught up on a lot of the work.  He left after a few hours while I kept reading some of the textbooks.  A nurse came into check on me shortly after he left.

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