Torn Apart / Reunited

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I rolled over early in the morning to feel the warmth of Once-ler's body. My arms wrapped tightly against him. He yawned before turning over to face me. His eyes opened slightly before kissing my forehead.

"Good morning," he whispered.

"Morning," I said.

My face nuzzled into his chest as I smiled. Last night was more amazing than I could have ever expected. But I was worried about the concerns he had about what his mom told him. I knew it was mainly a request she wouldn't follow up on. However Once-ler didn't share my optimism.

"Are you going home today?" I asked.

"Yeah, I wanna talk to my mom about this. She has to understand what's happened. I can't..." he trailed off.

"You can't what?"

"Nothing, I don't know."

"Even if she keeps you from seeing me here, we'll see each other at school."

"I guess so."

"Don't worry about it. Everything will be fine."

I couldn't have said that at a worse time. A banging noise came from the front door. Once-ler and I both sat straight up. We jumped out of bed and fumbled through mess of clothes on the floor for something to wear. I got dressed first. When I got halfway downstairs my mom had opened the door. Roger waved at me from the couch before turning his attention back to the door. The door swung open to reveal an officer at the door. My heart dropped completely, perhaps this was for something else. Maybe I ran a red light last night. My feet were unknowingly carrying me back up the stairs.

"Excuse me, we're looking for a boy who may have ran away to here," the officer said.

"I'm afraid we're not aware of any missing kids here," my mom responded.

"Here's a picture."

My mom took the picture and looked at it. Roger had got off the couch and walked over to her. They both turned around to look at me. I saw the picture in their hands. Once-ler walked out of the room and looked between everyone. His eyes fell on me last. I turned my head to him with a sad expression. It looked like he half expected something like this.

"Sir, you need to come down here. Your family is worried," the officer said.

"Oncie," my voice dropped.

He started down the stairs. As he walked past my hand grabbed his tightly. He looked at me completely deflated.

"I told you..." he started.

"Don't go," I pleaded.

I knew it was a stupid request. When a police officer was here looking for him. I was really worried now because I wasn't expecting this to happen. He looked over at me with a sudden smile. His arms wrapped around me.

"We'll see each other at school, remember?" he whispered.


He held my hand as I followed down the stairs behind him. The officer stepped out of the doorway. Once-ler walked outside where a car was sitting behind the officer's. His mother jumped out of the car and rushed towards him.

"Let go of my son!" she yelled at me.

"What?" I asked.

"You forced him to come here, didn't you?"

"We can talk about this," my mom said, walking outside, "he came over after the dance."

"I don't want to hear it from such an awful parent!"

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