Meeting her family.

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The sun crept into the room early the next morning. My eyes fluttered for a few minutes before staying open. I let out a yawn before rolling over. Fleur was still asleep. I shook her a bit, but she wasn't waking up yet. She must be exhausted. It was an emotionally draining night after all. I sat up and picked up the folder we fell asleep on. I looked through it once again. She looked happy with her friends, and her boyfriend. That wasn't to say I thought she was unhappy with me. Wait. I dropped the folder onto my lap. Are we an item now? I mean she did kiss me last night. My face flushed red as I thought about it. I reread the article. It wasn't fair she felt like it was her fault, it was an accident. I got up and walked into her bathroom and shut the door. While I washed my hands I noticed pill bottles on her counter. One was a medicine I heard about for sleeping; the others I was unfamiliar with. I walked back out of the bathroom. Fleur had sprawled out on the bed. Somehow she managed to wrap one leg up in the blanket. I couldn't help but give a chuckle. There was a noise followed by voices from downstairs. This wasn't a bad neighborhood, but I was afraid if somehow my brothers found out where she lived. I snuck downstairs, the voices were in the kitchen. Just as I turned the corner I ran into someone. I fell back on to the ground. It must have been her mom, unless she had an older sister she didn't talk about. She was gripping a baseball bat tightly as she glared at me.

"What are you doing in my house?"

"N-nothing! Fl-fleur said..." my voice cracked and trailed off.

"Who are you?"

"I-I'm Once-ler. Please don't hit me with that."

Her demeanor changed in an instant as she laughed. A man poked his head out of the kitchen. His head shook and he laughed a bit.

"Fleur is going to hate you," he said.

"She'll think it's funny. Don't worry Once-ler she sent me a text last night. Is she asleep?"

"Yeah. It was an interesting night to say the least," I said.

Her eyebrow arched slightly when I said this. Oh god her mom thinks we did it. That's not at all what I meant. My face flushed red.

"I-I didn't mean anything by that. It's just..." I started.

"Calm down. I know she can handle herself. Come have a seat and breakfast. Let me take a look at that face as well."

I followed her into the room. Roger, her boyfriend, introduced himself to me. He was against her scaring me, but after I calmed down we all had a good laugh. Her mom looked at my face. I guess it wasn't that bad of a beating after all. She pressed on my sides. I winced a bit. I guess I didn't realize how bad it hurt. The soreness would subside, but if it didn't she recommended I get it checked out.

"Well that's enough business for now. How about some breakfast?" she asked.

The smell of breakfast made its way upstairs. I rolled over in bed. Once-ler was gone. Maybe he headed home already. I hoped he wasn't freaked out by what I told him. I knew I should have waited to say something. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. Laughter filled the house. It was my mom, Roger, and Once-ler's laughing. So he hadn't left. He was just with my mom and Roger. He was with my mom? Oh god, she just loved a reason to break out embarrassing pictures and videos. We weren't even together yet, right? I tried to scramble out of bed, but my one leg was caught in the blankets. My body hit the floor with a thud. The blankets unraveled from my leg as I stood up. I hurried downstairs to find Once-ler sitting at the table. My mom had broken out the photo albums.

"Mom, please! Why are you always bringing these pictures out?" I whined.

The book slammed shut as I pulled it off the table. I clung to the book with a frown on my face.

The Last Year (Once-ler x OC)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang