The Darkest Night.

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Again the lyrics used in this chapter are NOT mine. They belong to Florence and the machine, and whoever else holds creative rights to it.

I spent most of my break with Fleur. It was nice to spend a little extra time with her. Everything was going well with us. And it was good to see her happy. It felt good to be so happy with someone. She started picking me up every morning and driving me to school. We had, of course, planned to go to the formal together. That was only a few weeks away. It was the night before break started. I had to find a nice suit or something to wear. The friday after we returned we all had met up in one of the music rooms. It was too rainy to be outside. Just as we were about to leave we saw Maya. She was leaning against the wall across from the music room.

"Hey guys," she said.

"Ugh," Fleur groaned.

"I just need a moment of your time, Once-ler."

"Fleur, just let me talk to her. This should be the last time, right?"

"Yeah, sure," Maya shrugged.

"I'll be by the front doors," Fleur said.

Maya watched Fleur walk away. She waited for her footsteps to disappear down the hall. Her gaze turned to me with a smile that made me feel kind of uncomfortable.

"So here's the deal," Maya started, "you're gonna do what I say for the next few weeks. Starting with breaking up with Fleur."

"And why would I do that?" I laughed.

She flung a folded piece of paper at me. It landed on the ground. I glared at her as I bent down to pick it up. When I unfolded it my heart nearly stopped. How would she have gotten this? It was the article Fleur showed me about her accident. I caught Maya's gaze. She looked proud of herself.

"How did you get this?"

"I have my ways."

"You cannot tell anyone about this!" I hissed.

"Which is why you're gonna do what I ask you to. You're going to break up with Fleur. Sometime before the end of the day would be ideal. Unless you want..."

"I'll figure something out."

"Maybe I should just send out the article to everyone."

"You're a real bitch," I spat.

"Go do it, or I will send this shit out to everyone right now."

I stood for a moment before crumpling the article in my hand. At the time I thought I was protecting her. I was a pretty naïve kid. I turned the corner and put my back on the wall. My hands balled into fists that slammed against the hard concrete behind me. Fleur was so happy. Her mom was happy she had got better. This wasn't fair! But if I told her why I was doing it maybe she would understand. If I told her Maya knew, no, I couldn't do that. She would freak out. So what should I do? With another punch on the wall I started walking to meet her. I saw her standing, staring out the window. It would be like a band aid, right?

"H-hey Fleur," I said.

"Oh, you ready?" she beamed.

Why did she have to look so happy? This wasn't going to be easy at all.

"C-can we talk?"

"Are you okay?"

She walked over and tried to give me a hug. I took a step away from her. Her hands dropped to her side. She already knew something was wrong. I could see the look in her eyes.

"Fleur, I don't think...I can't be with you anymore."

I can't even believe those words were so easy to speak. She laughed nervously. It was only a moment until she saw the look on my face. I didn't want this, I hoped she would see through it, but she didn't. The nervous laugh quickly turned into anger.

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