Planning a family dinner.

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Sorry, this chapter is a bit short.  I just needed to push the storyline along a bit to get to the next major plot point.  I hope it's still okay.

The next morning I woke before Once-ler did.  I went into the bathroom and followed my daily morning ritual of downing my medications.  When I finished making myself decent I headed downstairs.  My mom and Roger were awake and having a cup of coffee on the back patio.  I made myself a cup of tea and walked outside.

"Morning," I said.

"Good morning," they said in unison.

"How was the movie?"

"The trailers made it seem better than it was," Roger said.

"Yeah it wasn't very good.  But what about you?  How was ice cream?"

"You sure you didn't wanna ask about me driving?"

"Well, if you want to talk about it," my mom said.

"It wasn't that bad.  And no accidents, so that's a step in the right direction."

"We're really proud of you," Roger said.


I blushed a little.  Roger was told about my issues by my mom.  It wasn't like she was ashamed of me, but if I woke up screaming in the middle of the night, or had an "episode" she wanted him to understand why.  Of course I was pissed when I heard she told him about me.  But he was really supportive of me.  More so than my real father was.  I smiled at both of them.

"I guess I am really making an effort to move past this.  I am just sorry it took so long," I said.

"I'm just glad to see you happy again," my mom said, "I think that Once-ler is good for you."

"Yeah, I guess so.  But mom, I'm worried about something."

"What is it?"

"Maya was asking me yesterday about why we moved here.  She knew about the cut in your salary and it doesn't make sense.  What if she finds out? What if everything happens the same way?  I really don't think I can handle it again."

"Calm down, deep breaths.  She's probably just messing with you because you stole the guy she liked."

"Stole?  That makes me sound like a jerk."

"I'm sure you're fine.  She isn't going to be able to find out about it.  Even if she did, don't you believe your friends are understanding?"

"I guess, but I thought that last time."

"You're not thinking about..." she started.

"N-no!  Just a concern."

"You know damn well if you try that again, I'll smack you in the face."

"Yeah, mom, I know."

The door slid open after we finished talking.  My head spun to see Once-ler giving a large yawn as he walked outside.  He greeted us while sitting down.

"So Once-ler, any plans for Thanksgiving?" mom asked.

"Probably just the usual, nothing really eventful," he responded.

"Maybe you and your family would like to join us.  It'd be nice to meet them."

"I guess I could ask them."

"Wonderful, let us know so we can plan out dinner."

"Are you cooking?"

"That's my day to cook," I said, "I love making Thanksgiving dinner.  Plus cooking means I don't have to clean up."

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