Moving forward.

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"What the hell is wrong with you?" Maya shouted.

My body tensed up to see Maya standing before us. Now she was really upset. Once-ler moved away from me quickly. I looked at her apologetically, but what could I say to her? She stormed over and slapped me in the face.

"Hey!" Once-ler shouted.

"The both of you deserve each other! Did you get some sort of kick out of leading me around?" she screamed.

"Maya, it's not like that. I didn't mean to..."

"I mean, you come dressed like that you could get any guy. Why him?"

"I-I don't know. I told him to go to the dance with you. I tried to distance myself from him so you would have a chance or something."

"Yeah, you tried real hard."

"I don't want to be mean, but he asked me before you. I turned him down, but-"

"Maybe you could try and understand I just like you as a friend. Nothing tonight was going to change that. You've had three years before Fleur got here to say something. Don't put this on her, or me!" Once-ler shouted.

"Well, sounds like Wuntsy finally got himself a backbone," Chet laughed.

"Yeah, figures it's only when he's been talking to a girl," Bret laughed, "Fleur you like guys who yell at girls?"

"Maybe she's into that kinda stuff."

Maya huffed and stormed away from us. I felt horrible. Chet shoved Once-ler against the side of the building. Before I could try to stop him Bret grabbed me and covered my mouth.

"You've given him one hell of an ego. We just need to knock him down where he belongs," Bret said, "don't worry. Maya is gonna make sure your friends don't come looking for you."

There was no way after all the things she told me about these guys, she'd do this. These two picked on her relentlessly for years. Was it because of what happened tonight? No, this had to be planned out sooner. She must have been mad since he asked me before her. But this was going too far. As I tried to figure it out how this happened a soft thud snapped my attention to what was happening. Chet had slammed a fist into Once-ler's face. I struggled against Bret's grasp; I wanted to stop him. My screams were muffled as I stared at Once-ler.

"You think you belong with someone like her?" Chet yelled, "you think that people really like you now?"

"You've really filled that idiot with some crazy notions," Bret chuckled in my ear.

Once-ler swung recklessly in return. But his brother caught his arm and sent a knee into his stomach. I watched him keel over on the ground as his brother kicked him a few more times.

"You want in on this, Bret?" Chet asked.

"Yeah, take her," he said, shoving me towards his brother.

"Someone, help us! Help!" I shouted.

Chet rolled his eyes before grabbing my arm. I grabbed his left shoulder and slammed my knee into his groin as hard as I could. He crumpled onto the ground as a pathetic squeal left his lips. I stepped over him and ran towards Once-ler. I sprinted as hard as I could towards Bret.

"Get off of him!" I yelled.

"What the-" Bret started.

I knocked him off of Once-ler. My hand grabbed Once-ler's and pulled him off the ground. Bret stood up glaring at us. He laughed a little.

"You have to let a girl fight your battles, huh?"

"You're pretty thick if you thought you stood a chance with her. How many times has she turned you down and you still think one of you can get her?" Once-ler laughed.

The Last Year (Once-ler x OC)Where stories live. Discover now