Friday Night Fun.

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We hung out on the front lawn of the school for an hour before Maya decided to make an appearance. Everyone watched her come over and sit right next to me. Fleur rolled her eyes and strummed on her guitar. I moved away from Maya. She was making things very uncomfortable.

"I'm surprised you showed up, Maya," Connor said.

"Why? I was one of the first people to join this group."

"Yeah, but you kinda were a jerk to some of us last week," his head nodded to Fleur and myself.

"That was just a misunderstanding."

"Misunderstanding, my ass," Fleur hissed.

Her fingers strummed so hard on a string as she spoke causing it to snap. I looked over at her. Her hands tightened on the instrument. I pulled the guitar from her grasp.

"Fleur, I don't understand why you can't just accept my apology."

"Maya, are you delusional? You haven't spoke to Fleur since that night," I sighed.

"I tried this morning."

"Well, I am gonna get going," Connor said, "have fun at dinner tonight you two."

"Yeah, thanks. We should get going, too, Oncie," Fleur said.

She stood up after packing her things up. Her hand reached down to me. After helping me up the entire group dispersed leaving Maya alone on the grass. We walked to the front of the school when Fleur got a phone call. It was her mom she was running late. She hung up the phone and slipped it back into her pocket.

"Guess we're walking to my house," she said.


"My mom is caught up at work. We'll get home faster if we walk."

"Alright then."

"I can't believe she had the audacity to show up!" Fleur snapped.

"I can't say I am really surprised. She's going out of her way to be a jerk lately."

"And she's been talking to your brothers a lot lately."


"You haven't heard about that?"

"No, why would she do that?" I asked.

"I don't know," she jumped in front of me. While walking backwards she waved her hands as if she was telling a ghost story, "she must be hatching some horrible plot to tear us apart. Wooooooo."

"Why are you making ghost noises?" I laughed.

"Fit the mood. But I don't know why she would be, it's just what I have heard through the rumor mill."

She returned to my side and grabbed my hand. She looked much happier since lunch. And less likely to punch someone in the face since we left Maya at school.

"So, what do you want to do after dinner?"

"I didn't really think about that."

"Yeah, me neither."

"It's nice tonight. We could go for a swim, but I probably shoulda told you that before you packed your things."

"You have a pool?"

"Yeah, you didn't go in our back yard so..." her shoulders shrugged slightly.

"I wish I brought something to wear."

"Oh? Why's that?"

She had a sly grin on her face. I can't believe I said that outloud. My gaze shifted away from her as I tried to contain a smile. I bet she had a bikini she could wear. A nervous cough forced its way from my throat. She had a blank look on her face while staring at me.

The Last Year (Once-ler x OC)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora