25: Movie Night

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Bakugo and Todoroki talked the entire time as Todoroki walked to his house. They talked about different stuff on the way, what they would do when Todoroki comes back, homework, school, if Todoroki ate anything else today.

It was pleasant to hear the blonde's voice as he walked to his house. It kept him distracted from the nervousness he had when he didn't know what was going to happen.

Todoroki stopped as he reached the block of his house. He sighed softly, mentally preparing for whatever his father had in store for him.

"Bakugo?" Todoroki said in a small voice. The blonde hummed as he went quiet to listen to what he had to say.
"I'll call you back, I'm in front of my house." Todoroki said as he stood still, looking up at the Japanese house that looked down on him.

"Okay, call me when you finish whatever he wants to see you about." Bakugo said as disappointment filled him from having to hang up. Todoroki mumbled an okay and disconnected the phone call. He frowned as his phone showed the messages send from the blonde earlier. He pursed his lips before walking inside his house.


Bakugo laid on his bed, staring at the ceiling that seemed endless. He missed Todoroki already, he missed listening to his voice. That was the most Todoroki has ever spoke all week, maybe all year. Todoroki never really talked a lot and mainly was a listener than a talkative person. So the fact that Todoroki was speaking a lot more on the phone was enjoyable.

Everything about him was exquisite. His hair, his scar, and his eyes. His gorgeous, lovely, stunning eyes. They were so beautiful, everything about him was so heavenly. He loved everything about him. He loved how he still kept Bakugo around and didn't push him away. God, he loves Todoroki.

Bakugo blushed as he sat up and gritted his teeth. Geez, he has to stop think about him. He calmed himself down before sitting up and walking out of his room.

He doesn't know how long Todoroki will be gone but at least he can make his room decent and comfy once he gets back. Bakugo headed to the kitchen and grabbed their mini vacuum. He walked back upstairs to his room and started cleaning. It wasn't that his room was a mess, it was just that he wanted it to be fresh when Todoroki would be there. You could say he was a clean freak.

When he finished, it didn't take him long since there want that much of a mess, he put the vacuum away and went back to his room.
He didn't really have much of an idea what to do when Todoroki came back. They could watch movies or they could talk about what he said when he was drunk.

Bakugo frowned as his mind went back to the memory. He really questioned if there was any point in being a hero. Bakugo knew it was genuine because when Todoroki was drunk, he let everything he held kept away free and spoke whatever was on his mind. Something must've been happened before he came in the room but he didn't know what. Todoroki was always mysterious so the blonde didn't know what he would do in his free time.

Bakugo plopped down on his bed and groaned. Todoroki was really good at getting inside his head. Bakugo chuckled at the thought before glancing at his clock. It is 4:47. This sucked.

He has to wait impatiently for the boy to come back from his father. Mainly the reason he invited him in his room was because he was going to have to visit his father for a while and he knows how much he despises him.
Bakugo grinned at the thought. He liked how any little thing Endeavor did seemed to piss Todoroki off. It sure was a sight to see. Todoroki was always so emotionless and quiet, so whenever Bakugo would witness the boy responsive, it told Bakugo that Todoroki still showed emotions but just hid them better.

The blonde sighed before turning to his side and grabbing his blanket, throwing it over himself. He might as well take a nap and kill time.


Bakugo woke up to the softest knock. He blinked slowly and looked at his clock, he had gotten up way to easily and wondered if he even slept at all. Three hours has passed, he yawned and stretched before getting of his bed and walking to the door. He scratched the back of his head and opened the door.

Todoroki stood there, his head perked up from the ground and met his face. He scanned Bakugo's face and immediately regretted knocking and disturbing his sleep. His blonde hair was a mess and his eyes were still swollen from waking up.

"Ah I'm sorry, I didn't know you were asleep." Todoroki's voice came out wobbly. Bakugo blinked before shaking his head and patted the boy.

"Nah it's good, I needed to wake up soon anyways." Bakugo's husky voice was very attractive. Todoroki pursed his lips. Bakugo stepped to the side for the boy to step in, Todoroki hesitated before walking inside. The blonde followed him after he closed the door.

Bakugo's room was very cozy and simple. His bed was in the corner, a desk with drawers stood across from it with a computer on top. A bean bag was in a corner near the door. This felt weird, but it a good way. Todoroki has never been in here, not even for a split second. This was a whole new area.

"It's nice, Bakugo." Todoroki complemented as he sat down on his bed. The covers were a dark blue while he had a few pillows laying at his headrest. Bakugo felt the corner of his lips perk up.

"I know right," Bakugo said with smug written on his face. Todoroki rolled his eyes before he watched the blonde sit next to him. "Well, what do you want to do?" Bakugo asked as he tilted his head to look at the boy.

"Wait I get to choose what to do?" Todoroki asked with confusion. Bakugo grinned before nodding.
"I-I don't know.." Todoroki stuttered out. He doesn't know what to do. He's usually lets Bakugo drag him into whatever they'll do. Like the time they made a snowman, it was fun.

"Wanna watch a movie then?" Bakugo offered as he started to stand and walk over to his desk. Todoroki watched as he opened one of the drawers and pulled out his laptop. He must be rich to own a laptop and a computer.

"Yeah. Sure." Todoroki mumbled as he stared at the blonde while he got it to work. It was quiet but this time it was peaceful.

"What did your old man need?" Bakugo finally asked, not daring to look up at the boy and focusing on the laptop. Todoroki looked away and pursed his lips, Bakugo flashed a glance and saw. There was no response for a while. Bakugo eventually had to look at him.

"It was nothing." Todoroki said in a low tone. Bakugo inhaled and decided to drop it, at least for now. Bakugo laid down and patted the seat next to him. Todoroki looked up, the look on his face soften before he crawled towards the boy. Todoroki sat near the edge while Bakugo was near the wall. Bakugo hit play.
"What are we watching?"

"Shhhh." Bakugo hushed, playing with the boy. Todoroki rolled his eyes playfully but that didn't stop the smile that crept on his face.

Words 1276

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