(S1) Twenty

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Me and Five have been looking for answers for what has seemed like forever. We've found notebooks about all of us except for Vanya.

I found a notebook about me. It has information since the day I discovered my powers, to the day me and Five left.

I made sure Five didn't read my notebook. It has all the experiments, trauma, and other shit he put me through. I didn't want Five to see all that.

I found another note book and opened it to the first page.

"Hey, look at this." I say to Five.

He puts his notebook down and stands next to me, looking at the notebook.

The first page was titled, "Number Five and Number Eight." I wonder what he wrote.

I turned the page and read aloud.

June 12th, 1997

It's been a few weeks since I've let the kids train together. They've all been doing well, but I noticed that Number Five and Number Eight are particularly close during training and work together. They're great. Maybe the best duo in the group. I'm not surprised or shocked. They've always done things together. They pass notes during meal times, read in the library together, talk with each other all the time and more. I'll have to keep their partnership in mind.

I looked over to Five.

"I told you he knew we passed notes."

"Oh shut up." He said before turning the page and reading aloud.

July 23rd, 1997

Number Five and Number Eight have continued to work together, proving that they are the best in the group, once again. They are a powerful duo. From Number Eights smarts and sneakiness, to Number Fives cockiness and aggression.

"I'm not aggressive." He said as he paused reading.

"Oh shut up and keep reading."

Today in training Number Eight has became more confident with her telekinesis. She picked Luther off the ground today. Number Five and Number Eight worked together until training was over. It was fascinating to watch. They outsmarted all of them all, causing them to fail. I must schedule a personal training session between them.

"We were so badass." I say.

"You definitely were. I remember when dad made us fight each other." He says.

"It was so funny. You were like blinking around, and at that point I knew your moves and I punched you like every time you blinked behind or in front of me."

"Don't remind me. You have really good form." He says closing his eyes.

I laugh a little and turn to another page and read aloud.

January 17th, 2002

Today Number Five and Number Eight showed excellent partnership during training once again. They were racing up the stairs when Number Eight made eye contact with Five. He nodded then they started running again. As I looked back down at my stopwatch they all stopped moving except for Number Eight and Number Five. Number Five spacial jumped with Number Eights hand in his. He spacial jumped to the top of the stairs, everyone else falling behind. I was amazed by Number Eights strength to hold them all back and still keep running. Number Two said they cheated but I told him they simply adapted. Not only have they had an amazing partnership, but they've been very close lately. They've been holding hands, standing closer, he's been grabbing her waist, giving her neck quick kisses, she gives him quick kisses on the cheeks, and even more. I suspect there is a possible relationship going on.

I smile.

"It's true. I did have feelings for you." He says.

"Did? I guess I'll just go sign some divorce papers." I say playfully before trying to walk away.

He grabs me by my waist and turns me around pulling me close to his chest. His face is close to mine and I'm smiling like an idiot.

"You know I didn't mean it like that, sweetheart." He says before leaning in to kiss me.

I kiss him back. It's weird how we've been married for so long and he still manages to make me feel like this.

We pull away and I flip to another page. Five reads aloud.

October 29th, 2002

I caught Number Five and Number Eight sneaking out last night. They were out in the courtyard fighting each other. I noticed how Number Eight used her telekinesis to stop his punches. I was fascinated by Number Fives power, of course. But Number Eights powers were incredible. Not necessarily her power, but the way she fought too. I didn't stop them and let them train.

"Told you he was more fascinated by my powers." I tell Five.

"Why are you always right?" He whined.

"Because, I'm just like that." I saw before turning to the last page and reading aloud.

November 15th, 2002

My theory was correct. That was proven today by Number Five and Number Eight. Number Five jumped to the future, taking Number Eight with him. He made a scene at dinner today. He ran out the door and Number Eight chased after him. They never came back. I suspect that they will not be back for a very long time, or never come back at all.

"Damn." I breathe out.

I flipped through the rest of the pages and they were blank. Five goes to take the book but I pull it away. I grab my book too and hold them by my side.

"I wanna keep them." I say.

"What if Luther finds out we were going through dad's stuff? He'll be pissed." He asks.

"Since when do we give a fuck about Luthers opinion?" I ask.

He shrugged.

"These notebooks aren't even about him," I continue. "Ones about me and you, and the other is about me. We have the right to take them."

"Yeah." He agreed.

"Come on. We aren't going to find anything else. Let's go to the others and try to figure something out." I say.

I walk to my room and put the notebooks in my closet. I walk out and follow Five.


A/n: I haven't updated in a while and I'm so sorry 😭

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