Journal 1

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Journal 1


Dear Journal:

I am three weeks away from my 4th birthday.

The sun is not even awake yet, and I am all ready up. Ada says it is because l was born when the moon was up. I have even asked Ada, how babies are born, but he always changes the subject.

I have yet to begin my studies. Ada says I am still to young. Though sometimes l pullout old maps, and books, just to learn something. Ada sometimes will show me simple healing treatments. I like it a lot.

Arwen and Naneth are making me a new dress for my birthday. Urge...I really do not like dresses, but since Arwen and Naneth are making it, then l will wear it.

l still wear the '3 gems'. That is what l call the necklace l got from the three wizards.

It was strange when l met Saruman, I could not put my finger on it, but something was uneasy about him.

Gandalf came by not to long ago. I love to hear his stories of his adventures. I am always amazed of what's outside of Rivendell. Someday l wish to have one of my own.

Till again.




HEYYY!!! How are you guys doing?

*Dodges arrows, swords, axes, fire arrows, poison arrows.*


I'm sorry I haven't updated in FOREVER! But I was busy with senior stuff, a LOT of senior stuff.

I graduate THIS SATURDAY!!!! WOW!!


I feel so loved.

So theses are journals that Livia is going to do.

I'm writing another chapter and HOPEFULLY it will be up today.

See you later.

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