Chapter 28

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One Short Year



Elronds' POV

"I can't stay here, 'Melleth.'" Celebrían whispered, not looking at me.

We were in our chambers, getting ready for Lìvias' birthday.

I knew it was time.

(She wants to leave? She needs to leave.)

"What do you mean, you can't stay?" I asked not looking her way.

"I can no longer live in Middle-earth. You may have healed the scars, on the outside, but you can not heal the ones on the inside."

Scars don't heal, they fade. Even as time goes by you are still reminded of the pain, the touchier. It never goes away.

"So you truly want to leave?"

"Of course not. I do not want to leave you, or the children. - What is this?"

I turned to see my wife on the bed, tears ready to fall. She held a thick, black book, with gold letters, written on it.

Jewels Under the Mountains

"Where did you get that?" I asked walking towards her.

"Found it with my clothes."

(So that's, where I put it.)

I had to move it, because Lìvia was getting to close for comfort. Thought she might find it.

"You're giving this for her birthday?"

I smiled.

"You, have a small portion of your mothers' gift."

"Elrond, you can not give this to Lìvia, as a present."

"Why, she loves books."

"Yes, but its her birthday, you need to give her something special."

"This book is special." I assured her, sitting beside her.

"Elrond, I do not think-"

"It may not be special to you, 'Melamin.' But, it will be special to her." I said planting a kiss on her forehead.

Her head then rested on my shoulder.

"When do you leave, Celebrían?"

"Mother, says there will be a ship in fourteen days." She was quite for a moment. "When do we tell the children?"

"Not today. Today we celebrate. We'll tell them tomorrow."

Celebrían nodded, quickly wiping the tears from her face. Then got up, to finish getting ready.


Lìvias' POV

I stood in front of my full length mirror. I looked at my reflection.

Looking at my dress. It was white with a navy blue pull over. I then looked at my necklace, those 3 gems, still hanging around my neck.

I looked back at my reflection, glancing at the circlet on my head. It was sliver, and in the middle of it was a white gem.

I then looked at my hair. Just as I grew, so did my hair. Still brown at the top and white at the bottom, ending at my shoulders.

"You look beautiful." A male voice said.

I quickly turned around to see who it was. Never the less, it was Elrohir, standing at my door. Wearing the same outfit he wore ten years ago.

"You're, just saying that, because I'm your sister."

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