Chapter 24

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Festival of Starlight



"Ouch, Arwen that hurts."

Arwen brushed my hair, quite forcefully. Naneth was about to put something on my face. Im not enjoying this at all. I hate being dolled up.

"Well, if had brushed your hair before you took your bath, we would not have this problem." Arwen replied, as she tugged on my hair.

"Well, why am I the only one getting dressed up?" I asked.

"Because, 'lell nin.' This way you can not get dirty before the festival starts." Naneth explained.

"Lìvia, do you want your braided or left like it is."

"Could you do both?"

"Of course."

As Arwen started to braid, and Naneth attempting to put this stuff on my face, I hummed a song from one of my visions. It is a peaceful song, in its own way.

"Lìvia, tonight there will be a full moon." Naneth said.


(Great just what I want, a whole another Elven Realm to know of my glowing hair.)

"Yes, I can not wait for the elves to see it."

(Yes, but I don't.)

'Naneth.' Arwen said unsure. "Don't you think the other elves, might be surprised at it."

(Thank you Arwen for thinking with me.)

"Well, yes, but we were all surprised upon finding out." She replied, no longer in my face.

Arwen must been finished with my hair as well.

'Naneth.' "How come your hair does not glow?"

"That is because I was not gifted by the Vala like you."

(You say gift, I say curse.)

"Go sit on the bed, while we get ready."

"Yes, 'Naneth.'"

I had to sit very carefully so I would not ruin my dress.

My dress is navy blue with a rose design, the cowl neck is gold along with a gold belt . Also wearing a white long sleeve undergarment and wearing a silver circlet on my head.


An hour later, Arwen and Naneth came out almost wearing similar dresses.

Naneths' dress is white and navy blue, with white sleeves,and a gold circlet.

Arwens' dress is navy blue, with white sleeves, and wearing a silver circlet with blue gems.

"What do you think, Lìvia?"

''Mórye lánla.''

"Lìvia, you know we don't understand you when you talk like that." Naneth replied.

I smiled.

"You're beautiful, both of you."

Naneth got down on her knees and met my eyes.

"Oh, 'hanna le, lell nin.' ''Mórye lánla,'' too."


"Really. Now lets go to the festival."

Just before we opened the door, there came a knock. Naneth opened the door and Ada, Elladan, and Elrohir appeared. They were all wearing navy blue robes, Ada also wearing a gold circlet, and Elladan and Elrohir wearing a silver circlet.

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