Chapter 52

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Aragorn II 

T.A. 2933


~"In sleep he sang to me.

In dreams he came. 

That voice which calls to me

And speaks my name.

And do I dream again

For now I find.

The Phantom of the Opera is there.

Inside my mind." -The Phantom of the Opera~


~"The world is getting darker, Lìvian. Creatures running across the lands they never dared to cross before. -My creatures." said a voice I have not heard since I was a child. 

As he spoke I watched orcs raid villages burning them to the ground. I saw them cut peoples' fingers off, taking their rings that they wore. 

"They are in search for the ring of Barahir." 

(I've heard of that name before.)

~A sliver ring with two snakes and a emerald gem in the middle. Rested in a drawer at my fathers' desk.

I was no more than eight at the time, my tiny fingers picked it up out of curiosity.

'Ada, mana násë sina?' I asked, studying the ring closely.

'Father, what is this?'

'I corma a Barahir. Caris ts-ay sís se ilya lúmë, lell nin.' Ada replied, holding out his hand.

'The ring of Barahir. It must stay here at all times, my daughter.'

I placed the ring in his palm, he then placed it back into the drawer, closing it.

'Tenna I Aran entulessë. Car-Idë hanya- Lívian?'

'Until the King returns. Do you understand, Lìvian?'

'Náto, Ada.'

'Yes, Father.'~

"So it hides behind the walls of Imladris."

How did he know?

(Wake up, Lìvia! Just wake up!)

"You think it would be that easy?" 

I was silent, fearing his next words.

"Simply wish yourself away, back into the real word. In all hope it was just a dream. But I tell you, this is no dream. What I show you is new, what I show you." 

I then appeared in a small dark room only small amount of moon light coming from a window. I faced a mirror hanging on the wall.

"Is your future." 

The mirror I faced, what I thought to see my reflection, but she had white hair and flaming eyes.

"It was never the ring, telling you what you could do and not do. That was done by you, it was I who would tell you, you could do so much more." she replied.

"Here I stand before you, able to give you unlimited power, to have all of Middle-earth at your fingertips, all you have to do is say you'll join."

"What makes you think I will so easily oblige?" I asked.

"Today. Tomorrow. I am in no rush, because you will say yes."

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