Chapter 25

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Valars' Light



3rd POV

It happened all so fast. Everything was fine and in a split second it crumbled. Lìvia ran off, with Legolas running after her.

Celebrían was about to go after them, but Elrond stopped her.

"No, let them work it out themselves."

"Someone needs to follow them." She protested.

That is when Elladan and Elrohir walked up to them. Arwen was trying to calm down the other elves down.

"Elrohir, go see if you can find them." Elrond said

Elrohir nodded and left.

"What's the damage, Elladan?"

"One elf fainted, others are saying she's "Valars' light.""

"Well, that went better than in Rivendell. We had three elves faint." Celebrían stated.

"What was all that? Why did her hair glow?" Thranduil asked.

"Were you not listening? She's Valars' light." Regeína exclaimed.

"Ada? What's "Valars' light?"" Elladan asked.

"Its an old story, a myth to others." Elrond explained. "In the First Age, it said one from the Valar, an Elleth had the gift to show people the light, even in the darkest places. Give them hope when there was none. She had white hair, and when the moon was full her hair would glow."

"Later, they say she became a star. And to this day she still guides people out from darkness. When the moon is full, they say she is the brightest star of them all." Regeína finished.

"How did she become a star?" Elladan asked.

"I can not recall, that story has been pasted down for centuries."


Lìvias' POV

To be honest, I have no clue where Im running to. Finding answers? I don't know. I've heard it somewhere, I've read it somewhere, but where?

I headed for the library, there is bound to have something on it.

I could hear footsteps behind me. I it was Legolas, he was following me.

Once I made it to the library, I started pulling out books. As I flipped through the pages trying to find, something, anything really about Valars' light.

I was getting frustrated, nothing so far. As I continued to look, I heard a familiar voice.

"What are you doing?"

I looked up and saw Legolas, at the doorway. I sighed and kept looking.

"Have you ever considered the fact that I wanted to be alone?" I asked, still looking.

"I don't consider much."

I smiled.

"You know," He said coming closer, as a still looked. "if people want to be alone, they usually go to their room, or hide somewhere, but not in the library."

Still grabbing books, I replied.

"Of course you do. No, on comes to the library."

"True. But, really what are you doing?"

"Dancing. What does it look like I'm doing?"

"Sorry, I asked."

"No, I'm sorry. I'm trying to find answers."

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