Chapter 34

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T.A. 2511


3rd POV

Elronds' eye snapped open, as he sat straight up. He looked around the room, to find he was alone. The voice still lingering in his mind.

~"You better find her, before it's to late."~

(Find her?)

Thunder roared, along with lightning cracking across the sky. Glancing out the window, watching the rain pour down.

Elrond threw the covers back, heading to Lìvias' room. He had to know.


He opened Lìvias' door, just as lightning flashed. Finding it empty.

"Lìvia?" He asked walking in, hoping she was just hiding.

But no reply.

Elrond walked around his daughters' empty chamber. His eyes landed on the bed, as lightning cracked, he saw a scroll, laying at the end of the bed.

Sitting on the bed, he lighted the lantern on her stand, reading the scroll.

-T.A. 2510

Dear Ada,

If you are reading this, then you know I am no longer here. I have caused everyone too much pain. I have yet to regret my decision.

Even though I am no longer, a sister, in the eyes of some. I still will write this goodbye.

When they return, I do not know. Tell Elladan and Elrohir that I'm sorry, for everything. Also tell them thank you, for everything I've learned. Tell Arwen I'm sorry as well. I believe she will be happy, now that I'm gone.

I do not regret leaving, Ada, not yet anyways. I just have hurt everyone. Its better if I just leave.

I did not want to say goodbye, but.. maybe goodbye is a second chance.

I will miss you all.


- Your daughter,

Lìvian -

Elrond read an re-read the letter, over and over. He let her words sink in, that she is gone.

She left.

Just like he left her.

The promise he did not keep.

Hot tears rolled down his cheeks, but quickly wiped the away, when he heard the sound of horses.

Elrond placed the letter back, where he found it. Grabbing the lantern, he left the room, to see who it was.

Hoping it was the one lost, but that is unlikely.

Looking out, over the rails, there came two brown horses, entering one gate, and a white one entering another. But all three stopped in the court yard.

He met them, as they approached the to of the stairway.


'Ada.' They replied, hugging their father.

Once they parted, Elrond asked.

"Arwen, what are you doing back so early?"

"Grandma, said something was wrong, and that I must return."

So Galadriel knows.

"Indeed. She is not wrong."

"What do you mean?" Elladan asked.

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