Quiet Please: [Mori-senpai x Reader] EXPLICIT

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Okay I don't like Mori much but sometimes I wish I could give him a bear hug! AND Honey-senpai IS JUST SO COOOTT!

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Your Point of View

"Tally!" you screamed. Tally was your best friend, and it never seemed to get old between you two as you screamed each other's names loudly across the wide hall. You ran to your best friend, and hugged her, snuggling into her warm embrace. She was like your older sister, and never failed to comfort you, hug you, and love you. In fact, your parents and hers already accepted the fact that you two practically never separated. It was twin at first site, all the way back from your second year of elementary. You both had your fault of course; Tally had a terrible case of acne at her once a month torture from God and a horribly bad habit to point out the obvious. You had a bad temper when it came to people other than Tally, and it was either love or hate with you. There were no shades of grey in between.

"(Y/n)," she said once you pulled back. "Good to see ya babe." You laughed and ruffled her curly locks, even though she was taller than you, and it took more effort to reach up than her to reach down to you.

"We just saw each other two days ago, before you went to go see family," you chuckled.

"Well yeah, but I missed my twinnie!" she exclaimed. You sighed as she kissed your cheek and then swatted her. "C'mon let's get to class," you said, dragging her down the hall. You and Tally always seemed to make a grand entrance into your class, being the loud and obnoxious people you were. Every day it was something new, and today it was Giraffes. "I'm just saying," you stated loudly, "that it's reasonable that at one point they were dinosaurs. I mean, back in the dino days they ate blue plants right? Or maybe there's a chemical on their tongue that like, turns the food into blue, because blue is their favorite color!" Tally shook her head. "No it's not reasonable," she implored. "It's because its protects their tongue or something." You rolled your eyes and the whole class was staring at you. You made a funny face and some broke into loud, boisterous laughter, while you made other strange jokes as well. As you sat down in your seat, you surreptitiously glared at the person behind you. Your sworn enemy, since the beginning of high school. You and Tally had always been the class clowns, the fun people, the smart people, but when you entered high school it was on a whole other level. You became prettier, flirtier, and, (if it was even possible), funnier. And people loved your loud, beautiful, but maybe more than a bit obnoxious personality. You had flaws, just like any person. One was temperament, and the other was definitely touch. The only person you allowed to touch you was Tally, only because she was just naturally a touchy feely person.

Only Tally could touch you. Only her.

So the person behind you made you mad. He was quiet, and never laughed at your jokes. He was always looking out into space, never eyes trained on you like every other person, and it enraged you in so many ways. He always spoke so low, and calmly, if he everspoke. And then there was the cute little Lolita that was always with him. Mitsukuni Haninozuka, AKA Honey-Senpai. He was cute yes, had lots of the crowd's attention yes, but he also covered the scary faults of that said enemy. His name was Takashi Morinozuka. AKA, Mori-Senpai to most people. This man, this guy, this...person enraged you like no other. And it was this reason that you glared harder, but his eyes never strayed from the paper in front of his that Honey had given him.

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