Don't Do It - [Tsubaki x BlackStar]

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Hi, here's a quick Tsubaki and BlackStar One-Shot!

   Don't your worry child, don't you worry child, see heavens got a plan for you.”
                                — Swedish House Mafia

• Tsbukai Nakatsukasa was standing on a bridge. So many reasons for coming here. She just stood and felt the wind brush up against her body with a powerful swoosh! The wet droplets of water from the ocean hit her skin and she backed up slightly as she looked down into the high tided water.

“Why did I even come here?” she whispered. But she knew exactly why she was here.

There was only so many times you could hear someone call you names, before you decided to do something about it. There was only so far a slit could bring you. Each breath she took filled her lungs with a fire, and the quiet around her was violent. She was forced to deal with what she felt, and somehow she just couldn't understand why she couldn't do it. “Worthless!” her head screamed. “Pitiful!” the other side shouted. She felt the fear. The madness lurking in her mind. Tsubaki bit her lip, and then sat on the edge of the bridge, her legs dangling off of the edge. She could remember oh so clearly what was done to her. She could remember every single stupid name that was said to her. She could recount every single scar on her stomach, each one a reminder of how stupid, and corrupt she was. She was no longer pure; no longer innocent. And when this was done, no one would ever know her story.

    “Smells nice...” she whispered as she sniffed the air around her. It was a light salty smell of the sand mixed with salt water, and fish. It wasn't really a pleasant scent, but to Tsubaki it was the best. It was the aroma of freedom.

Tsubaki inched closer to the edge, and smiled. It was a pretty nice day. Everything in the world was calm, including Tsubaki. Worthless, pitiful, stupid, no one likes you! THE ONLY REASON YOUR FRIENDS HANG WITH YOU IS BECAUSE THEY FEEL BAD! YOU ARE NOTHING! There was a deafening creak as Tsubaki slid closer to the edge, her eyes closed. “I always liked the smell of the sea.” Tsubaki was inching and then suddenly, she was airborne.

The air around her felt nice, and then something grabbed at her arm.

“Don't do it,” a rough voice said quietly. Tsubaki opened her eyes and saw a boy. He was short, with big eyes, and a serious expression on his face. His hair was blue, and spikey, and he was using one arm, (the one with a Star tattoo), to hold her up. “Let me go,” Tsubaki whispered. The guy pulled her up, mind you with one arm, and she landed in his arms. “I can't just let you jump!” Tsubaki was angry now. “No! LET ME GO!” She struggled in his grip and he held her tighter, in a straight jacket type hold. BlackStar growled, but then sighed. “I won't let you go. Even if we just met.” Tsubaki started to have tears flow down her face. She cried and cried, and banged her first against his chest. “PLEASE! LET ME DIE! I CAN'T TAKE IT!” There was a deafening silence.

“Tell me.” She stopped for a moment.


“Tell me! Tell me why you want to die. And if you still want to jump... I'll go with you.”

Tsubaki was amazed. How could a boy like him care so much about the well-being of a girl he didn't even know. And not only that, he vouched to jump with her. What a crazy boy. “F-fine. But even if I tell you, I will still jump.”

He grimaced. “And I will still hold you back.”

Tsubaki ignored him, and began her story. “It started when I was a little kid. I was ridiculed because I was the only girl in my family to ever become a weapon. And then people decided I was weak. Unworthy of becoming powerful. Even though it ran right through my veins.” His face was in disbelief. “Well then why are you acting so weak now? Huh?!” Again, he was ignored. “And then as I got older, my parents began to be shamed by me. I was abused. I was sold — every night was some one else who wanted a taste of a fresh new girl. I was alone. No one ever defended me, or even called the cops. I was alone. And then there was my birthday. Every year, my father r-raped me after getting d-dr-drunk.” Tsubaki was crying now, tears streaming down her face.

“I was used goods, over and over! No one wanted me! And then they made fun of me. I was that one girl who couldn't focus on school because I had so many problems at home. I worried more about whether or not I was going to be sold, than the square root of 5.667! The girls at school bullied me, and beat me. I couldn't fight them, and I had no strength to tell anyone. I'm alone now. I ran away, just so I could be free. And now you take this freedom away from me! YOU MONSTER!”

The boy was silent. “You're not alone. You have me.” The boy silently pulled the girl into his grip, and hugged her. “You don't know me!”

He shrugged, hugging her tighter. “I don't have too. I already know your backstory.” Tsubaki finally melted into the hug, and cried into his shoulder. As she wailed and screamed, he kept his own tears at bay. He felt everything she felt, at that exact moment. For some reason, there was this connection, and she felt it too. Both of their hearts opened up, and Tsubaki fell to her knees.

“Do you still wanna jump?”

There was once again the silence. There was so much meaning in it, but again, there was only the quiet.


“Well do you?”

“I...” She gripped onto his shirt. “No! I want to live! I never really wanted to die!”

The boy then picked up the frail girl, and wiped all of the tears off her face. He smiled widely and then held out his hand. “Hiya! I'm BlackStar!” Tsubaki gave him a timid smile, and then, he pulled her in for a kiss. Tsubaki turned red, and pulled away. “Why did you do that?! That was my first real kiss!” BlackStar smiled.

“YAHOO!! I WAS HER FIRST KISS! What else will I be first for?” And then he winked at the red faced Tsubaki.

That slick boy.

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