I Open At The Close: [Door x Reader] finale

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I Open At The Close: [Door x Reader]

Who will you chose?

You were tired, and your feet dragged against the wooden flooring.

You had no idea where you were, but you had been walking for what seemed like hours. You wore only light pajamas, and on your back was a very large knapsack with only an axe and a few matches in it. Abruptly, you came upon four doors.

Just as you were about to turn around and leave, to find another way, the first red door glowed, and opened. Out came a beautiful boy. He had wavy auburn hair, and beautiful bright blue eyes. A smile was on his face as he closed the door, and made his way over to you.

"Who are you?" You asked him.

"I'm Door One," he said cheerily. "You should come through me."

"What do you mean?" You said, and Door one grabbed your hand and looked you in the eye.

"Come through me my dear, and we shall play. Frolic in the gardens, and run about all day. Lie in the sun, and play in its warm rays. My red frame will protect from all, do not enter the Doors, 2, 3, and 4. I am made of the sturdiest wood, and my glass is in shatters, but I promise I will let nothing happen to thee! Come through me dear, I say, come with me!"

You thought about what was spoken by Door One, and it sounded like an abundance of great fun. But then came the voice of the door after Door One, Door Two he claimed.

The next to leave this door was a man. He was tall, and wore a necklace with a cross. He had big brown eyes, and hazel colored hair. He smiled down at you gently, pushing Door One out of the way.

"Child, do not listen to that frothy door one! Come to me, come to me! We shall have great fun. I am not a liar, like my brothers, 1, 4, and 3, I promise you child, you can trust me. I have a cross on my knocker, does it not tell thee, I am trustworthy, come, pass through me! I am made of the finest Oak, and my windows are the best, the cleanest glass.

"Go through me child, and we will have a great blast."

Door Two looked into your eyes, and he had this holy aura that surrounded him. But then you gasped, and shook your head. You thought to yourself, none, none! Do not go through any talking doors, for they are doors, when spoke the third door.

"No!" Shouted the third door. Out rushed a dirty child. He had a small scowl on his face, and dirt dotted his clothing and face, his black hair fringe covering his eyebrows.

"Do not listen to that foul Door 2, come to me, Door 3, where I speak only the truth. Door 1, 2, and 4 are but monsters, hidden by fine wood and glass. Come through me, and you find hidden treasures that last. Yes, my black frame is chipped and covered in webs, but inside of me is a diamond in the ruff.

"Listen to me, before it's too late, do not listen to 1, 2, or 4."

You stood and thought about what was spoken by Door 3, he seemed very trustworthy, worthy of me, you thought.

A loud clang was heard, and you turned around to be faced with an arrogant looking woman. She was curvaceous, with large, rounded hips, and around her body was nothing but a robe. Her long, dark chestnut hair fell over her shoulder, and she strut over to you, placing a single finger under your chin, forcing you to look at her.

At last came the voice of the final door, Door Four, she said. "Ha! What a fool you were to heed the words of Door 3, he is but a spindley, lonely door, meant to capture thee. He will trap you in his web, and then feast on your bones. Listen to Door 3 not, and come through me. Door 1, 2, and 3 are liars and cheats, but is there anything about me that seems to deceive?

"I will not say I am the best door, but we can have fun, and play together galore. We may gallop in the fields, and play chess, come with me child, for in me wallows no stress."

And you thought to yourself, should I frolic in the fields, and play in the sun, or should I head to the door with the polyester glass. Door 3 seemed very fun, and truthful to me, but then what about Door 4, who scorns Door 1, 2, and 3? And you then heard the ways of reason. For, doors 1, 2, 3, and 4, are but doors. And you thought to yourself, take none!

It was without hesitation that you pulled an axe out of your knapsack, and hacked all the doors to pieces, their piercing screams and splintering wood cutting through the chilly air.

You cut a whole into the floorboards, and crawled underneath, when you came across six more doors.

Good Lord! Good grief!

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This is the final one-shot of Mark My Words.

I truly enjoyed this book, except for the last few one-shots. I was just so lost in my other work, It's Callie that I forgot about this one many times over and over.

Anyway, I hope that you liked this.

Farewell readers, and check more of my works.

"To end is to begin, as I open at the close."

- Anonymous

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