Best friends: Yuno Gasai x ANY Reader

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Best friends: Yuno Gasai x ANY Reader HALLOWEEN SPECIAL

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Because psycho bitches are Halloween worthy.

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Your Point of View

Your head hurt.

As you lifted your head, from what felt like a rock of a pillow, your eyes squinted from the lack of light pouring in though your window.

When you sat up, you blinked, and then froze on the spot.


You were in a cage.

Bars surrounded you from every side, and when your adjusted, you could see you were in some type of basement. Your eyes still focusing and unfocused, stopped on something looked strangely familiar. You gasped and quickly backed up, hitting the back of the cage with a bang. Your eyes could not under what you witnessed.

Death surrounded you.

You saw the body of a young, probably once beautiful girl. Her eye sockets were empty, her mouth open in an 'O'. Worms and maggots crawled in her deactivated body, flies whizzing around. The smell, oh the smell made you vomit right through the cage rails. Heaving out the blonde's intestines was the open slit on her stomach, dried and crusted blood lining the floor. You held your mouth closed, trying to hold back a scream. You didn't wish to die as well. You closed your eyes and tears trailed down your cheeks.

It couldn't be real.

It couldn't.

A bang sounded out in the room and you cried out, looking around every which way. Could you escape? We're you to die next?

Down from the stairwell, came a young girl. She pink, wide eyes and long pink hair styled in pigtails, two hanging as frontal locks featuring a pair of red bows. She wore a simple, spaghetti strapped dress, blood spatters decorating her cheeks and the bottom of her dress. You couldn't believe anything you saw. This girl; so innocent looking, so beautiful - se couldn't have possibly killed the Blondie. Your body was frozen in terror as she approached your cage. The sounds leaving your throat trembled the same that came from a small animal, about to meet it's predator.

You were the prey.

She made it to the front of your cage, and your body was rigid.

The girl smiled gently at you, and then crouched down, so you were at eye level with her dress creases. Your eyes zeroed in on the blood stains; still wet.

She reached her arm inside the cage and you flinched.

She used the tip of her manicured finger, and tilted your head back. Your eyes were squeezed closed tightly, when she began talking.

"We can be together now, now that she's gone."

You gasped as you realized who this girl was: Yuno Gasai.

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It had begun in the first day of school. You sat down next to a pretty girl named Yuno, who was very friendly. You had said to her, "I hope we can be friends forever!" and then ended it with a soft smile.

Of course, she took it to extremes.

You couldn't have any other friends, at first. She would scare them all off, or threaten them. You figured she was clingy.

And then as time went on, she wanted to spend all her time with you, and you couldn't handle it. So you branched out, and made friends with your neighbor, Lulu. Soon enough, Lulu went missing, and you suspected Yuno. How conventional it would be to have Lulu suddenly disappear. When you went over to Yuno's house, you quickly searched her house, trying to find Lulu. And when you did, you were horrified.

Lulu was tied up to a wall, naked, a gag in her mouth.

Just as you were about to call the police, you heard someone behind you, and screamed as you saw Yuno. You tried to run, but she was faster, and tackled you to the ground, smothering your face in a chloroformed rag.

The last thing you has seen was Yuno pulling the eyeballs out of Lulu's sockets.

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Why would you...Yuno?" you asked in a shaky voice, your hands shaking worse than before.

"So we can be together. She was in the way, and I took care of her. Now we can be together," she purred in your ear.

You scrambled away from her as she unlocked the cage,and your eyes fell upon a shard of glass. You quickly grabbed it, and held it in front of your tearstained face. "D-don't come closer...I'll kill you," you stuttered, holding the shard out. Yuno giggled and came closer, wrapping her arms around your body, whispering sweet nothings in your ear.

Soon enough, Yuno had pulled you out of the cage. You closed your eyes as Yuno did what she wanted, frightened by her very touch. You tried to remember the happy things you used to do together, such as go out for ice cream every Saturday.

"Friends forever," she said into your ear.

You felt your heart sink as you realized this is how you would spend the rest of your life. I have to save myself, you realized. I have to kill her, before she kills me. I have to. I have to. I have to. I have to. I have to. I have to. I have to. I have to. I have to. I have to. I have to. I have to. I have to. I have to. I have to. I have to. I have to. I have to.

I have to kill Yuno.

I must kill Yuno.

You grasped the piece of glass in your hand so hard blood dribbled down your wrist. Quickly, you had Yuno pinned down. You straddled her, kissing down her neck. The glass in your hand sliced you up even more, yet you couldn't feel it. Just the succulent softness of Yuno's neck. She moaned at your touch, and you growled into her ear, "Together forever," grinding on her pelvic area. Her breath caught as you ran the glass shard lightly down her stomach, cutting her shirt simultaneously. Slowly, slowly, you dragged it across harder and harder, until you felt it cut through her soft flesh.

Her screamed pierced the dark basement.

You didn't mind her shrieks of agony as you kissed up her neck, to her soft lips, to cover her noise.

Soon enough your hands dug deep enough into her body to feel her warm, wet intestines. You cut her up inside, hiding her noises with your own mouth. You soon enough kiss down her stomach, blood dripping from your lips, little beadlettes ornamenting your eyelashes like gory decorations

After another couple minutes she stopped screaming, and all that was visible of her eyes was the whites.

You rose up from her dead body, and laughed.

"I had to. I had to. If I didn't, she would've killed me. Haha, oh no, but I got to her first! Best friends. She was my best friend. Bye-bye best friend. Rest well, I'll see you again."

Neither (Y/n), Lulu, or Yuno were ever found again...

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Happy Halloween!

Enjoy this creepy story, I hope you enjoy it, or have nightmares.



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