Smile For Me: [Shigure x Tohru]

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Smile For Me
♡ ♡ ♡

Forewarning: this is a one shot about Shigure Sohma and Tohru Honda from Fruits Basket. Tohru is a little different in this one, and Shigure is a teenager. Originally this took place In Albuquerque, so that's why it says Eucalyptus tree. Also, Yuki Sohma is a teacher. Please proceed.


She tried. She tried many times to make a smile brighten up his features.
It was her junior year of high school and she had just moved to a new school in Kyoto. It was hot, and the school was different than she would've expected. Although she was new, she adapted quickly, and made new friends.

"Good morning," the girl said to her friend Mei.

Mei smiled at the girl, grabbing her hand and dragging her into the classroom at a break neck pace. "Hurry! You have to get a load of this kid!"

As the girl was led into the class, she noticed the seat that she sat next too was now occupied. The boy was drooped low in the seat, his head covered by a hoodie, with a bit of his brown hair seeping from his hood. His left cheek was being held up by his left hand, and he stared out the window. He was tall, gangly almost, and had this depressing aura around him. He was really average looking, from what the girl could see, but he didn't feel average.

"That's the new kid," Mei whispered in her friends ear, lips brushing her earlobe. "He's so weird. He won't talk to anyone, and no one knows his name but the teachers."

The girl frowned and looked a lot Mei.
"Why are none of the new kids even cute?" She said loudly.

The kid turned his head and looked straight at the girl, whose breath froze in her chest. The boy looked painfully sad, and when his eyes locked on her own, her heart stuttered. "M-Mei," the girl said, whipping around. "You shouldn't say that. What if he's really nice?"

Mei snorted.

"He looks like he kills puppies for fun."

"Don't say that."

"Why are you taking his side?"

The girl paused. She wasn't sure how to answer. She didn't want to be aliented. She knew if Mei didn't like her anymore she'd have no reason to even go to school. She'd be pushed around, or ignored. She didn't want that, but she didn't want Mei picking on some kid who looked so sad. It reminded her of the look her baby brother gave her when their dog died.

It was almost like watching someone kick a kitten.

The girl ignored Mei and took her seat next to the kid who shifted farther away from her, his eyes looking out the window again. It went like this for an entire week. Mei would say something sly about the new kid, and when the girl would try to defend him, she was met with resistance. Eventually she stopped trying and just ignored Mei, who started to bad mouth the girl as well. She no longer had anywhere to sit at lunch, so she would sit under a eucalyptus tree that gave her a perfect view of the football field.

Barely any clouds littered the sky as two boys walked past the girl, muttering something and then turning around to glance at the new kid.

He hadn't talked not once since being at the new school. People thought he was stupid. Maybe a mute. The girl knew he wasn't stupid though. They were paired up as partners in Calculus, and every answer he put down was right. In fact, he was borderline genius, or maybe she was just the stupid one. Math was not her strong point.

"Yeah, apparently he moved here because his mom was convicted of murder. She was put on death row or whatever, Tony said he saw the kid on the news," the boy on the right said excited.

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