[Soul Eater One-Shot] - Under the Mistletoe

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A Soul Eater Christmas

The decorations were in place. Every single Christmas tree aligned with the other in perfect symmetry. All of the streamers hung from the ceiling in an organized manor, and the ornaments were placed with a delicate hand all over the trees, and around the room, including hanging from the ceiling obtrusively. "It's absolutely perfect!" Kid squealed in complete ecstasy. Death the Kid was a young man who had a severe case of OCD. He was obsessed with symmetry, but he, himself, was an asymmetrical freak of nature. On one side of his head it was black, draped over his forehead. But on the right side, it had stripes of white running through it, making him asymmetrical.

"Of course Kid," Liz, one of Kid's weapons, panted. "You made us work on this for a week!" Kid, ignoring Liz, turned to her fraternal twin, Patty. "Doesn't it look gorgeous?" Patty clapped her hands, giggling. "Yeah! It's so pretty! But do you know what it needs?" Kid glanced at her. "No. What?" Patty pulled him close, his ear almost against her lips. "You need..... GIRAFFES!" She shouted. Kid jumped about a foot in the air, and Patty giggled once again. "You're so stupid," Liz muttered. "No kidding," Kid agreed.

In another house, was Tsubaki, and BlackStar. They were both getting ready for Kid's party, at six o' clock. "BlackStar! Hurry!" Tsubaki yelled at BlackStar. He didn't want to wear the monkey suit tonight, but it was manditory, and Kid would be mad if he didn't follow the rules. "But imma star! And stars like me don't need to wear stupid suits!" Tsubaki chased him all around the house, with BlackStar yelling insults the whole time. To say the least, it was aggravating.

Down a few homes, was the sound of a book being smacked into a skull, echoing around the neighborhood. "Soul Evans you baka!" Soul picked himself up off the floor, nose bleeding, eyes fixiated on Maka. "Well I'm sorry! You're the stupid one who forgot to lock the door! Idiot." Soul leaned against the door, his white hair sticking out in all directions, as usual. Red eyes narrowed as Maka turned a shade more or less like Soul's irises. "I'm not the issue here Soul, it's you!" See, Soul had walked into Maka's room. Unknowingly, he had stepped on a book, and tripped. Upon falling, the book opened, and he noticed the first page, said Maka's Diary; Do Not Touch. Soul knew he would be dead meat if he was caught in her room, let alone looking at her Diary, so he quickly picked it up, but then, a small photo fell out.

It was of the two. Maka was shorter than Soul, making him look better, per say. His arm was around her shoulder, and her hand was around his waist. Maka had her dirty blonde hair in one pony tail, and she was wearing jeans for once, (they were Soul's, of course). Her shirt had a picture of a soul on it, and it said, 'In the end, it's not the looks that count, but the soul.' Soul wore a white tee, and was wearing similar jeans to Maka. Both of their eyes had tiny glares of light in them, making Maka's green eyes stand out next to Soul's. They looked happy. But at the moment, it was anything but happy. Maka had walked in, the photo in one hand, Dairy in the other. It wasn't a pretty picture to paint.

"I can't believe you would do this Soul! Forget it! I'm not talking to you! That has personal stuff in it!" Her eyes watered. Soul rolled his eyes. "Cry baby." Maka swallowed the lump in her throat and ran away from Soul, pushing him to the side. "Maka-" he started, but she ran faster; he didn't chase her.

An hour later, Soul was looking titillating in his new suit, everything crisp and fresh, and ready to go. His tie was blood red, and his shoes were polished. Soul was perfect; but Maka, his partner, was nowhere to be found. Soul was worried. He thought she would get over it by now, but apparently, she really had been mad.

It was around six now, and people were arriving at Kid's mansion. Soul showed up, despite his lack of date, and everyone noticed. Well, not everyone, more like Kid, Tsubaki, (a very depressed) BlackStar, and Liz and Patty. "Hi guys," Soul greeted, his eyes flickering around the room. "Hi Soul," they all responded. "Where's Maka?" Tsubaki asked in her soft voice. "I dunno. She...left awhile ago. I'm sure she's fine though," Soul lied. He hated to lie, especially to his friends, but he was a man, and he could take care of this...right?

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