Is Something Wrong? [Rei x Nagisa]

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Is Something Wrong? [Rei x Nagisa]

Rei felt something press up against his back as he drifted off into dreamland. As soon as he felt the warm, soft touch, he was instantly awake.

"Who is there?" Rei asked suddenly, sitting up faster than greased lightning.

There was movement under his sheets, as something crawled over his legs, and out poked the head of Nagisa, his smiling face lighting up the dark room. Rei sighed and reached over to his night stand, grasping his red glasses and placing them delicately on his nose. This was not the first time Nagisa had crawled in his bed, and it would surely not be the last. Ever since the duo moved out of their parents house and got their own place, for college, Nagisa always crept into bed with Rei.

He would press his warm cheek against Rei's bare back, and his arms would wrap around his waist, lightly touching the hard muscles. Nagisa would always giggle, and Rei would groan, knowing that the little blonde would never leave. Not even if he wanted him too.

"What is it this time, Nagisa?"

Nagisa gave a little grin, and laid his head down on Rei's lap. "I just wanted to spend some time with you," he said, snuggling into Rei's leg.

"Well I appreciate the effort, but is now really the time?"

"Any time is good as long as I'm with you, Rei-chan," he giggled.

"I can't believe this," Rei muttered and tried to get up, when his legs were held down the tiny boy below him. Despite his small stature, he was strong. Almost as strong - perhaps stronger - than Rei himself.

"Don't leave Rei! I promise I'll behave!"

Rei couldn't deny his boyfriends request, and stayed put, laying back down onto the soft blankets. Nagisa took no time at all crawling up Rei's body, just to lay his head on his chest, and hear his heart pumping like a lullaby. Nagisa wrapped his legs and arms around Rei's own limbs, entangling himself within his arms. Rei chuckled, and buried his face in Nagisa's ruffle of unruly hair. It smelled sweet, like the boy himself. Nagisa giggled and poked Rei in the nose. "Are you smelling me, Rei?"

"Is it against the law, sir Nagisa?" Rei asked sarcastically.

"Yes it is! Put your hands up!"

Rei sat up once again, when he realized that Nagisa was on his lap, pointing his fingers at him like a gun, once eye squinted closed. Nagisa moved slightly, and Rei felt himself become aroused. He stared glossily into Nagisa's eyes, and gently pulled the boys mouth to his own.

The dark haired boy could Nagisa's sweet scent, and felt his hands wander Nagisa's muscled body. The taste of Nagisa was like sweet candy, and like any child, candy was like his drugs. There was nothing better than a daily of dose of sugar, and man, was he getting high. Nagisa opened his mouth slightly to let Rei's tongue slither in, and wrapped his legs around Rei's waist. "Rei-chan," Nagisa moaned, his voice catching. "Be nicer."

Rei slowed himself down, and had Nagisa pinned down now. He fluttered butterfly kisses down the blonde's chest, all the way down to his waist and V-line, trailing his tongue down the powerful muscles.

The night was filled with pleasure, started with teasing kisses, moans of lust, and ended with playful tickle fights.

When the couple was done, they stared up at the ceiling, hands intertwined. "Rei?" Nagisa asked.

Rei quickly glanced over at his lover, and questioned the boy.

"I something wrong? Whenever I crawl into bed with you, you seek reluctant. But I only do it to grab your attention..."

Rei shook his head and squeezed his hold on Nagisa's hand again. "Nagisa, I love you. You might be dense, but I love you. You know I love sleep, but some days I'll make the exception."

Rei planted a kiss on Nagisa's nose, and hugged the blonde with all his force.

"Good night 'Gisa."

"Night Rei-chan. "

• ♥ •


Hope you enjoyed this quick one-shot, PEACERS!

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