Italy's Sleepover! : [Italy x Germany]

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Italy's Sleepover! : [Italy x Germany]

This was requested by @animeasiangirl Italy and Germany!

Chapter BEGIN!

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"Ve~ I'm so excited to be going to big brothers house!" Italy exclaimed as he skipped down the street towards Germany's home.

Italy followed the instructions he got off of Google, and walked down the smooth pavement, until he came upon a beautiful house. "Mamamia! This house is so cute! No wonder big brother lives here!" Italy stepped towards the house, but then three pretty women walked down the street and he was instantly at their sides. After he was done flirting, he smiled broadly and skipped up the porch steps to Germany's door. Italy knocked on the door four times and then called to the person inside. "Ve~ Germany, big brother, it is I, Italy! I came to see you!"

When the door opened, and instead of Germany, it was Prussia who showed up. Prussia was tall, with red eyes and platinum blonde hair that curled over his ears.

"Italia-chan, what are you doing here?"

"Ve~ Prussia, nice to see you, but where is big brother Germany?"

Prussia pointed to a little park on the other side of the street. "West is over there at the park."

"Grazie, Prussia. I'll see you later," Italy called out as he skipped down the steps and bounded towards the miniature park. "You too Italia-chan!" As Italy wandered toward the park, he stopped briefly to flirt with some ladies and asked them if they had seen Germany. "Oh, yes I did," one pretty woman said. "He was over by the slides, talking to his sausage wurst." Italy thanked the ladies and skittered over to the yellow slide where Germany sat. He did, as the girls said, have a wurst in his hand, but also he stared at a box of tomatoes next to him.

He was deep into thought, but that didn't stop Italy from glomping his big brother.

"Ve~ Big brother Germany! I have missed you! It is Italy! Your best friend!"

"Italy!" Germany yelled. "Don't scare me like zat!"

Germany stared at Italy earnestly with his light blue orbs, and Italy teared up. "Ve~ G-Germany...why are you so mean to me?" Germany sighed and grabbed Italy's hand, pulling him away from the yellow slide bench. "Where are we going?" Italy called out. Germany kept walking until they made it outside of a bar called Make Pasta Not War. "I'm very sorry Italy, so I am going to buy you a drink." Italy instantly returned to normal, and hugged Germany. "Ve~ grazie, grazie, big brother! I knew we were best friends!"

Inside, Italy started to complain. "Big brother Germany! Why do I have to drink apple juice?" Germany laughed. "Vell, you're bad enough as it is without alcohol, as if I'd want to deal with a drunk Italy." Italy pouted and sat back in his seat. "Ve~ do they serve pasta here?"


"Are you sure?"


"Ve~ please don't lie big brother!"


Italy became quiet. Germany turned a rosy pink color, as he opened his mouth but no words came out. "Italy. Can I tell you some-" "Mamamia! I spilled my juice! Ah! Help me big brother Germany!" Germany groaned and grabbed Italy, throwing money on the counter, and walked out of the bar. They walk to Germany's home, when Italy shook his head. "Ve~ this is Prussia's home!" Germany sighed and ran his hand down his face. "Vell, Prussia and I share a house. Now come in so you can get a change of clothes." As soon as Germany had handed Italy a fresh pair of clothes, Italy stripped right then and there, pulling on the oversized shirt, and pants. "Ve~ your clothes are so big on me, big brother." Italy giggled and Germany groaned.

"How did I get into zis mess?" he muttered under his breath.

Not a second later, Italy started to run around the house, knocking things over, turning things upside down, prancing about from sofa to sofa. "West! I'll be heading out now!" Prussia peaked over the corner and saw his friend Italy jumping around the house. "Ve~ nice to see you, Prussia." Prussia grinned back at Italy. "You too, Italia-chan. Be good to West." Germany rolled his eyes, raising an eyebrow at Prussia. "Just leave already." Prussia bowed to the boys, and then took his leave.

"Ve~ big brother Germany! Can we have a sleepover?"

Germany sighed. "You can stay over, I guess, but if you make a mess I will kick you out! Just like zat!"

Germany snapped his fingers, making Italy smile.

"Yes, yes, grazie, Germany!"

• • •

"Ve~ big brother! I would like to watch a movie!"

Germany was one step ahead of Italy, and popped in a CD. Germany sat down, slumping in the sofa when Italy anugged into his arm, laying his head on Germany's chest. "Ve~ big brother. Your chest is so hard..." Germany flushed a rosy tinted pink, and tried to speak. "Uh, Italy?"

"Yes, Germany?"

"Well I have been thinking for some time-"

Italy gasped, staring at the TV screen. "Oh my granda gloria, LOOK AT DE CUTE KITTENS~!"

"Germany, big brother, could I have a kitten?"

Germany tried to compose himself, but instead just stood up and walked away, leaving Italy confused. "What? Was it something I said?"

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The next morning...

"Thank you so much big brother Germany!"

Germany sweat dropped as Italy ran around the pet shop, holding a little kitty in his arms. The kitten was all white, excluding the brown patch around his eye and his black paws. "Ve~ you're such an adorable kitty! You're name is now, Giogio!"

Italy was so happy that Germany bought him a cat, he took Germany and Giorgio out to the nearest park.

Italy sat his cat down on the bench beside him and held a bell above Giorgio's head. "Italy?" Germany queried. Italy looked up and smiled brightly at Germany. "Ve~ big brother?" Germany gave a deep sigh, and started. "Italy, I-I..." but he never got to finish. "Meow~!" Giorgio cried out, taking Italy's attention away from Germany. Germany shook with rage as he was ignore again, his face ttinged red. Why did Italy always get distracted when he tried to tell him something important? Why wouldn't Italy just look Germany in the eye?

Germany, in a flurry of anger, picked up Girogio and threw him into a box, the cat whining out.


"Italy! I love you and I want us to get married!" Germany shouted into his face.

Of course, Italy ignored him and gingerly picked Giorgio out of the box.

"I'm sorry big brother, Giorgio's meowing was a so loud it was difficult to hear you. What did you want to say?"

Germany groaned, shaking his head. "Nozing at all."

Italy leaned close to Italy, enough to smell his sweet cologne, and then kissed his cheek gently. "Thanks so much for having me over Germany! Let's do this again some time!"

As Italy skipped away, Germany fell to his knees, anime crying.

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OMG THIS TOOK FOREVER TO WRITE! sorry for the delay, I'm just super lazy, and I had been on a role lately!

Sorry animeasiangirl for making you wait SOO long!

Anyway, love you guys and hope you like it. I feel so uncreative.

Did you like it?

And what could I do to make my One-Shots better? Is there anything I'm missing? Anyway, please, comment, vote, and READ! ♥

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