Be My Friend : [InuYasha x Reader]

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Here comes the sad choo-choo train.

Omg I love InuYasha, someone please comment and tell me the same. I need the Inu-Luv!!

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Your POV

You heard the crackling of branches breaking under your feet. Your feeble shoes barely stopped the rocks and little bits and split ends of free branches from penetrating your soft skin.

"Aye! Kid, what're you doin' here?" a woman called out to you, waving a broom near your face. She looked over your horribly mussed up hair, and then eyed your dirty and grimy face. Your clothes were soiled, and the little pack on your back was ripped in several places, barely being held up. As she eyed your less-than-perfect condition, she lowered her broom and scowled. "I'm looking for a demon, ma'am," you told her. "The kids in my village said that there was one around here." The woman cackled, showing her yellowed teeth, cracked and rotten from old age and zero hygiene.

"There ain't no demon 'round these parts. Nothin' but a good-for-nothin' mutt! He's not no real demon! The coward!"

You stared wide-eyed at the woman and felt disappointed. There was no real demon here? You felt that the kids in the village lied to you. Maybe they did. You felt your head droop low, and then you wandered toward the village center. You stepped over another hard rock, and tripped, scraping your palms and knees. You cried out, but when you looked up, you held your breath. Is that the demon? There was a group of children playing ball, but one in particular stood out among all the rest.

He looked human - except for the dog ears atop his head, and the claws on his hands, rather than normal fingernails.

"Gimme my ball back!" the demon child yelled at them, prancing back and forth as he tried to grab a red ball from them, his red robe whipping around. He tripped over his clothes, and let a big 'oomph!' out.

"You dumb demon!" one little girl yelled while he was on the floor, trying to get up. "You disgust me," a boy sneered, and kicked dirt into the tiny demon childs eyes. He shut his eyes, looking scared, no longer wanting his ball back. Why are they so mean to him? You wondered, sitting on the ground, watching them make fun of the demon. "Hey!" a man called out, noticing the child on the floor, shaking. "What're you doin' on my property! Off! Off I say!"

The man and another woman picked up some rocks and began to pelt the demon with them. He cried out and tears began to flow down his dirtied cheeks. You watched in amazement as he stood up and bared his teeth at the adults. "I hate you! I HATE YOU ALL!" he shrieked and quickly grasped his ball, running at an inhuman speed into the dense forest. You frowned and picked up a few rocks, and walked up to the mean children. "You should be ashamed!" you shouted at them. You threw rocks at the kids and while they were distracted, you tossed dirt into the elders eyes. "Aaah!" they cried out as you swiftly ran into the woods after the demon.

When you told the neighboring kids you were going to see a real demon, they scoffed at you. Who would want to meet a real life demon? You told them, "I want to meet a demon because I never met one before." They just laughed and began to say you were going to be eaten. "No I won't!" you yelled. "And I'll prove it! I'll make that demon my friend, you hear me!"

You kept following the path you thought the boy went down, when you heard a loud roar from the bushes. Out of it a big, big, bug poked its head, baring its sticky teeth. You gasped and scrambled away, the bug on your trail. You could tell it was a real demon, and it was hot on your tail. "Aaaahhhhhhh!" you squealed, turning left. You tripped once again - as you were very clumsy - and stared, pale, into the dark eyes of the demon.

You pulled out the dagger that you always kept in your right pocket and pull it, holding it like the amateur you were, when you heard a familiar voice. "Iron reaper soul stealer!" the voice thundered. The monster split into five pieces and blood sprayed from the gore within.

When everything silenced, you lowered your arm, which had covered your face in fear, and looked at your hero, heart beating fast. You swallowed the lump in your throat, still paralyzed as you stared at the mess left of the bug demon. "I-is it dead?" you asked shakily. "Yeah it's dead and gone," the demon child muttered and you stood up, limbs stiff. You weren't scared of him, just the remiams in front of you. You tried to get rid of the blood on your own clothes, but it was no use. "Thank you so much!" you thanked loudly, and tackled the poor dog-eared boy into a hug.

"Ewe! Gross, get off me! You're a girl!"

"My name is (Y/n)," you explained, but he waved you off. "I don't care," the silver haired boy proclaimed.

Ignoring his rude words, you went into your pack, searching through all the things in there, and then pulled out a cookie. "Do you want a cookie? It's the least I could do since you saved me." The boy glared at your home-made cookie and pointed to the other direction. "Go away. You're annoying." You once again unheeded his words, shoving the cookie into his unsuspecting mouth. "Hey!" he cried out and spit out the remnants of your beautiful baked goods. The demon boy's face looked very angry, and you thought he would turn into a chameleon at the rate he was changing colors. You smiled at him, and then burst into uncontrollable laughter, holding your stomach.

"Hey! Why are you laughin' me!" You laughed harder and boy turned a dark pink color, his face confused.

"I'm laughing-" you gasped, "because you look! So silly!"

"I'm not silly! Shut up!"

When you calmed down and wiped your eyes, you stared at the boy with your large, innocent (e/c) eyes, and said, "You're weird. But a good weird." The boy scowled. "I wouldn't say the same for you. Freak," he muttered.

After a small silence, you looked up once again at the boy. "Wanna be my friend?" He shook his head. "I don't need friends." You frowned. "But nobody wants to be alone." When he didn't answer you, you grabbed his hand and ignored his protesting, pulling him to a little water hole. "Let's swim!" you screamed and jumped into the water, taking off your pants and shifting into the water with just a shirt and underwear on. The boy averted his eyes and his ears looked tinged with pink. "Put your clothes on and get in here!" you shouted, grasping his hand tightly.

"Wait!" he told you. Then he took off his robe and pants, leaving him shirtless and in little shorts.

(A/n: remember you're little kids so ain't nobody gonna be like, ohh six pack. Not if your like six years old!)

You two played together for a long while, splashing and swimming, when you asked his name. "It's Inuyasha," he murmured, standing still, waist high in water. You smiled and then splashed water into his eyes, and he growled at you. "Hey! Watch where you're tossin' that water (Y/n)!" You giggled and jumped on him, touching his doggie ears.

"That's so cool!" you claimed in awe.

Soon enough, you two pulled your clothes on, and you stared into the sun. It was getting close to sundown. "I have to go home soon." His face fell, and your expression softened. You grabbed his hand and stared deeply into his eyes. "I'll be back." Inuyasha looked away and muttered under his breath, "Why? It's not like I want you back or nothin'." You gazed at him seriously. "I want to win your heart and become your friend Inuyasha," you exclaimed. "No matter what." He scoffed at you. "I'm better off alone."

"I don't want to be alone. No one wants to be alone. But I am, and that's why I want you as my friend," you whispered softly.

As you stood up and dusted yourself off, you wondered if you and Inuyasha would be good friends someday. I hope we can be friends, you thought. He's really nice for a demon. Maybe someday. And you headed home, watching the colors blend together in the sky.

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Well that my friends, was satisfying. Omfg, I had so much fun with this! I love InuYasha!! My bae!!

Anyway, hope you liked this chapter, it was made July 28th, 2015.


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