Sincerely Fate: [Beelzebub One Shot]

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Forenote: this is an AU, where Tatsumi is a hunter, and he finds baby Beel in a basket. Let's see how it turns out.

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The sun shone over the mystical woods of Ishiyama.

Through the leaves and skinny trees, light peaked through as sunrise was just beginning. Tatsumi quickly tossed his bow over his shoulder, his holder of arrows around the other. He deftly made his way through the tree branches, shielding his eyes every once in awhile.

Tatsumi stopped once he spotted something.

It was white, and had a long, sparkling, it couldn't be...

Tatsumi rubbed his eyes and when he opened them, whatever he thought he had seen had disappeared. The teenager frowned, and then raced to the area he had thought he saw something. When he made it, he hushed himself. He saw something strange; it was a basket, draped over with moss and vines, making it almost seem like a rock. Tatsumi had grown up in Ishiyama and especially the woods of the area; he knew why the rocks looked like, and there was no way it was so. It was too misshapen. Not only that, but a strange sound came from the basket.

Tasumi, no coward in anyway, felt his heart beat speed up, while he leaned over, facing the basket.

He steadily grabbed the netting of vines and moss, and pulled it off, when he saw what lay inside.

A child.

The baby could've been no older than a week old, with it's eyes wide open, and tiny fists. Theo's eyes widened as he eyed the newborn. It had these bulbous cheeks, and a gummy smile he couldn't but adore. The baby was covered in nothing but a white blanket, a little string tied around his wrist. Tatsumi grabbed the baby's wrist and pulled the string off gently, as to not hurt it. When he did so, he found yellowed paper attached.

Hello, the note read.

Thank you for finding my child. Hopefully he is still alive by the time you receive this. Beelzebub is a very special child. He was born for great things, but I know he will not achieve them. I have foreseen his future, and I know he will be safe with you, whomever you are.

Raise him as your own.

Love him.



Tatsumi folded up the letter once again and grimaced. "Your name is Beelzebub, little brat?" he asked, pinching the baby's cheek roughly.

The baby giggled,and upon hearing the laugh, Tatsumi was already charmed.

"Why don't I call you Beel? You sure do look weird," he whistled, making a strange face at the newborn.

In response the baby only smiled.


• • •

The village did not approve.

"You can't just take in a wild child!" the said. "What if he's diseased?"

"How unseemly!" they groped.

But Tatsumi paid no attention to them. The village elders had no problem with the child, and as long as they said so, Beel could stay. And even if they said no, the teen would find a way to make them keep him. It's not like they could overpower him.

"Open up, brat," Tatsumi growled, pressing a warm bottle of milk onto the small lips of the baby.

Although Tatsumi had no prior experience with children, he read. He read a lot. He learned how to change diapers, and how to feed babies. He learned to softly lullaby them back to sleep, and how to nurture and take care of them. Of course, his actions were still unapproved of by the people, and therefore was socially shunned. No longer did he speak with neighbors, or peacefully chat with some girls his age. He was out casted, but, for some reason, he didn't seem to mind. Although it wasn't as if he wasn't already an outcast.

He was perfectly fine raising a child on his own.

As baby Beel sucked on the bottle, drinking the last drop of warm milk, Tatsumi wrinkled his nose, looking down at the baby.

He had been alone most of his life. He grew up without parents; he never knew what happened to them. No one did. It was just him. But now it was also baby Beelzebub.

Tatsumi burped Beel, and then tossed the slumbering child over his shoulder. He then walked to him room and placed the baby in a newly made crib, wrapped in warm furs and blankets. As Tatsumi watched the tiny baby in sleep, he felt his heart swell. One week, and this is what happens. One week, and he fell for a child.

One week, and he already felt like he had someone to hold.

That was thing about family.

They loved you.

They held you.

The protected you, no matter what.

And that's just what Tatsumi did.

"Stupid brat," Tatsumi muttered, rubbing the tip of his finger over baby Beel's cheek.

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Idk if you guys can can notice, but I'm using previously written content, and then changing the names.

But it's cool lol because it makes for interesting plot lines for certain characters.

Hope you enjoyed Tatsumi and Baby Beelzebub!

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