Winter Wonderland [Natsu Dragneel One-Shot]

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I'm Sad. Every time I watch Ghost Whisperer, I always friggin cry lol.

★Requested by BOYBRKLYN59


Name: Chloe Crete

Age: 19

Height: 5'4

Weight: 129lbs

*This all what I made up. I do not know is BOYBRKLYN59 is actually that tall or is actually that heavy. This is all assumption*


Third Person's POV

"Hey Natsu," Chloe called. "Come here for a second." The fire breathing wizard rolled his eyes and walked over to his best friend. Chloe Crete was an odd one. She had long flowing hair and big eyes that seemed to stare into your soul. She always wore an expression of happiness, and Natsu loved to be around her. He loved everything about Chloe. He would do anything for her. "What's up Chloe?" Natsu asked. Today was their day off, and they had no new missions to go on. Well, actually it was Chloe who decided it was their day off. Chloe was staring out the window dazedly.

"Do you ever...miss something a lot?" she queried. "Something that you love, and when you leave, it's no longer with you?" Natsu laughed. "You're so weird," he started. "Why would I miss anything if I have all my friends in Fairy Tail with me?" Chloe gave him a blank stare. "Not like a person. A thing." Natsu scrunched up his brows and wondered what in the world could be bothering his best friend. They had been through everything together. They all defeated evil in its wake. They slaughtered bad people and destroyed towns together, (albeit accidentally). Heck, they even defeated Zeref. What could she be possibly be missing that they couldn't give her? "What are you missing?" Chloe gave him a sad look, her eyes trained on the burning sun. It was nearing sunset, and the sun still stood high, its beautiful colors blending in with the blue and white above. It was picture perfect. But Chloe was unhappy. "I miss...snow."

Tears welled up in her eyes. "When I was a kid I used to play in the snow all the time, make snowmen, and have fights with my brothers. Even my older sister became fun for a change. And then...they were killed by a monster."

"Ever since, my mother has hated snow. That's why I moved here," she stuttered, tears forming in her beautiful orbs. "So my mom wouldn't have to suffer every time she saw it." Chloe breathed deeply, her voice crackling. "I miss the snow. It reminds me of my family. The family I used to have." Natsu frowned. "You never told me this before." Chloe swallowed the bile in the back of her throat. "I know." Natsu, still staring off into space, was quiet for once. He then turned around and abruptly left Chloe's home without a second thought.

"He's probably angry," she thought. "Probably..."

Natsu had reached the guild and slammed the door, causing several people to look at him. "Where's Ice Princess?" he yelled. Gray Fullbuster, Natsu's good frenemy stood up and growled. "Hey I have a name you know! Who're you talking too flame brain?" Gray shouted. Natsu and Gray clashed their foreheads together, their eyes trained on each other. They began to argue. "Who're you call-in' flame brain you pervert?!" Gray looked down and realized he had no shirt on. "It's not my fault you idiot! It's a habit!" Suddenly Natsu stopped thoughtfully. "Hey Gray," he said quietly, "Could you do me a big favor?" Gray snorted. "Pfft, why would I do you a favor?" Natsu was strangely serious, and Gray was curious, so they were both standing still, looking at each other. "What's the favor?" Gray asked suddenly. Natsu explained Chloe's situation, and then he took a deep breath. "So...will you make it snow? Please?" Natsu was so close to going his knees. It wasn't normal for him, but for Chloe he'd do anything. Even humiliate himself. Of course he would get them back later, but for the time being he'd do anything.

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