Precious One: Kamisama Kiss One-Shot

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Precious One: Kamisama Kiss One-Shot

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"Place your heart in the hands of a God, and he shall place it in the hands of one who deserves it."

- Anonymous

• Her lungs filled with the cold, crisp air of October, her body clutching her long robe closer around her body. Other than her arms hugging herself, there was no other way to show she, indeed, was chilly. Her feet balanced precariously on the edge of a thin branch, her dull grey irises watching a couple from above. A gust of air came tumbling from her trembling lips.

She stared down at a woman and her familiar, the once great Lord Tomoe. The woman smiled so elegantly at the familiar, it made her heart beat irregularly. "You are killing yourself, Ayameko," the woman muttered to herself. She watched Tomoe ruffle the woman's hair.

"Lady Nanami. Next time, let me clean the well. It is not fit for a land God to do a familiars duties."

"Oh, it's not a problem at all!" the land God, Nanami, replied, a bright smile adorning her delicate features.

The familiar frowned, making Ayameko inwardly cringe. Do not frown, Tomoe. Smile. Smile...

Ayameko turned away from the happy looking duo, and jumped off of her branch, to another, father away. She landed nimbly, her arms tucked inside of her robe. She hopped from tree to tree, the cold air whipping at her face. The speed almost hurt her neck. If she had been a normal human, this would've been a problem, but Ayameko was not normal. She was a yokai, a monster of sorts. That was how humans viewed her kind. Monsters, lingering under their beds, and nightmare's, penetrating their sweetest dreams. Her blank expression masked the unhappiness inside of her. She was remembering that day, the day she had met Lord Tomoe, the most feared yokai in her realm.

It was three hundred years ago. Ayameko was but a child. Her home was now in ruins, and she was cast away, her only father, now dead. It was then, wandering the cold, bitter forest, she met Ingaru, the spider yokai. As the chilly air nipped at her exposed skin, she felt a tug on the back of her long, dirty hair. When she turned around, her shrill scream rang about the isolated area. Her heart beat faster as the hairy legs grabbed her from the waist, looking her straight in the eye. The smell emitting from Ingaru was putrid, and to this day, Ayameko could recall everything about him. The horrid smell of his breath, the dark cloud of miasma that followed him around like an omen, and his several, beady eyes.

"Help! HELP! Somebody help me!" she screeched, clawing at the legs that bound her.

"Let me go! LET ME GOO!"

Little Ayameko was defenseless. She cried as she realized she was to die alone, like her God, and father had. Her eyes closed in horror as the yokai's awaiting maw snapped open and shut in anticipation. But before she was swallowed whole, there was a sickening crunch.

Ayameko let out a cry as she was suddenly dropped, and hit the cold snow. Just as suddenly as Ingaru had been there, he had disappeared. Ayameko, shaking, stared in the spot where he once was. Wide eyed, she only saw his remains; charred leftovers and dissipating poison in the air.

Once the smoke cleared, blown away by winters harsh winds, she stared into the beautiful eyes of a fox.

His hair was a blindingly gorgeous silver white, reaching the snowy ground. He possessed a fan in his right hand, covering his right eye, while the chromatic color of his eyes shone through. Behind his body, poking out of his blood stained robe, was a full, white tail. Ayameko was won over by this man's appearance, her breaths stuck in throat. "Are you just going to look, girl?" the man asked. Ayameko gasped and covered her head, shaking. She knew she couldn't fight this yokai, nor could she will him away. She would have to bear it, or die trying. As the young child shivered, she felt a sudden warmth caress her frail body.

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