This Bitch

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"Look lady I just wanna get back to my drink I don't care that your friend is hitting on the guys" I spoke getting slightly annoyed.

"No" she said.

I grabbed her and physically moved her. She tried to fight back but I just dropped her on her ass and walked out to find the other girl crying in my seat. I walked over and pushed her out of my seat and sat down already tired of the 2 ladies. Lucy chuckled while Hawk handed Eagle $5.

"Why'd you give him money" I asked curious.

"We bet if you'd be mean to the poor crying girl turns out Eagle knows you too well" Hawk replied looking at the girl who picked herself up off the ground.

"We'll maybe she shouldn't have had her friend try to trap me in the bathroom while she flirted with yall" I snapped back annoyed that it even happened. Ghost still sat there unfazed by the whole interaction. So I looked to Lucy who started laughing and as we walked to the truck she told me what happened
Lucy's POV

As soon as Chaos left this bimbo walked over and took her seat and tried to grab Ghosts arm, which he immediately pulled away and swatted her hand away.

"What do you want?" Ghost asked quite rudely.

"We'll I was wondering and a hunk of a man like you is doing with such average people when you could be with me and Brittney" the girl try and failed to say seductively.

"Leave me alone, go back to your table" Ghost bit back.

I could tell Ghost was annoyed and the girl looked like she was about to throw a fit. I almost laughed right then and there.

"Can i at least get your number so I can call or text you?" She asked.

Ghost looked at her dead in her eyes and said "no you are acting desperate, go away".

I looked at all the guys faces they all were fighting back smiles and then I saw chaos walk out of the bathroom. Chaos looked at her seat and I swear I could see the annoyance in her eyes
Back to you

I laughed knowing that Lucy was a little tipsy off the one glass of alcohol she had. I turned around to face the guys.

"Y'all comin' also Eagle you guys coming to base with us?"

"Yeah we are" Eagle replied

"Ok just follow my truck" I responded

After everyone piled into the vehicle this time with Lucy up front and ghost in the back with Price. The 2 hour drive back was fun because the entire time Lucy played my favorite songs so we both sang/screamed.

We made it back the first thing Eagle and Hawk did was go fight with Bean and Cracker while Sizzle sat on the sidelines.

I sat down next to Sizzle and he looked at me then gasped. I turned to him to ask what his problem was when he started apologizing. Taken aback

"Why are you apologizing you haven't done anything" I asked.

"Remember I punched you earlier, we'll now half you face is bruised" he replied.

"Huh" I got up and went to the bathroom to look. "HOLY SHIT" I yelled. "SIZZLE YOU ACTUALLY LEFT A MARK. IM SO PROUD OF YOU!!" I yelled as I ran back.

Today was the first time he's landed a solid punch on you.

When I got back to him he looked confused so I explained "you finally landed a solid punch on me, you're the first one on the team too"

His face lit up and yelled "HA FUCK ALL OF YOU IM SUPERIOR"

"What the fuck are y'all yelling about" Cracker asks.

"I was the first person to land a solid punch on Chaos on the team" Sizzle boasted.

I hear someone scoff behind me, so I whipped around and saw Ghost.

"What you scoffin about ghost man?" I spoke as I glared at him.

"You're yelling and celebrating about being hit. Not exactly the best thing to celebrate" he snarked.

"Well we do shit a little differently then" I said.

We continued to glare until I heard running.

"Sizzle you actually got a hit on her" Eagle came out, apparently already hearing about it.

"Yeah I did, look at it. I left a fat bruise" Sizzle said proudly.

I showed Eagle the bruise and he praised Sizzle but then asked if I was fine to which I responded I was.

Even Lucy told him hood job but then turned to me and said "you're fights are going to be a little more less unfair now"

"Yeah unfortunately" I groaned not wanting to train even more.

Soap popped up next to me and said "I think Ghost would make a good fight. He's the best fighter on our team".

"Boom. We got you an equal fighting partner now" Lucy smiled as she said that.

"Alright. Chaos and Ghost tomorrow at 6 am I want y'all in the training yard. I want to see y'all's limits" Captain Price said a little too excited.

"Any rules, captain?" I asked Price

"Don't kill each other" he stated plainly.

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