Back to where we begun

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After we returned from Russia with the Hitler wannabe I saw Lucy and Price holding hands.

"We were gone for 2 weeks and y'all are holding hands now?" I question while laughing. Well they ain't the only ones getting close Ghost actually carried me to the plane to fly back to base cause i had been stabbed by the Hitler wannabe.

"Y/n listen, I'm a big girl and I can do things on my own" Lucy started but I heard Price say 'that's not what it looked like the other night'

"Oh my god Price you didn't just say that, Lucy, you and Price did the nasty and I didn't even know y'all were involved" I almost yelled with a giant smile on my face.

"Alright I get it, are we done now?" Lucy asked hopeful.

"Nope but I gotta get away from all this testosterone I can feel my dick starting to grow" I said as I drug her away with Lexa and Riley following.

"So how was the dick" I asked as soon as I closed the door to the conference room.

"Honestly it was the best I've had" she said as she started blushing.

"Oh that good, man I wish I got dick instead I feel like I'm growing one because around to many" I said as I laughed, so did Lucy.

"Hey isn't this Ghosts dog" Lucy asked me.

"Yep she follows me most of the time but very rarely her and Lexa go follow Ghost" I answered as I pet both dogs. "Anyways how did you and Price end up the way y'all are now" I asked.

"We'll I'm not to sure he was nice then y'all left, it was just us and well I don't really know. We talked, drank, and then we told each other stories. I do remember laughing and laughing until we were laying in bed with him over me" she said trying to remember how it happened.

"That's why you don't go for the funny ones cause your laughing and laughing then suddenly you're naked in bed, panting" I said as I stood up to make coffee.

Lucy laughed but was cut off by the door opening revealing Bean.

"I make you laugh everyday but you've never ended up in bed with me" he complained. I whipped around and threw a coffee mug at him.

"Why the fuck were you listening in you ass go unpack or something. I've been around guys for far to long" I snapped at him, almost laughing.

"Fine whatever you probably like the quiet one anyways" Bean says as he leaves.

I gasped and ran to the door " you wouldn't know asswipe and just so you know it ain't your fucking business if I like the quiet ones!" I yelled as I see him running down the hallway. I turn back to Lucy to find her tryin to hold back a laugh.

"Oh come on" I pleaded.

"We'll from your experiences I know about it's also the quiet ones that do it better for you. For me I guess it's the ones in charge" she replies.

"On god though the quiet ones, they usually do it best. I thinks it's because they are growers and not showers ya know what I mean" I nudge Lucy. She just laughs and points towards the door and I turn to see mostly everyone there including Ghost.

"They quiet ones huh?" Soap laughs.

"Y'all are to quiet im gonna get y'all bells to wear" I mumble as I move towards the door to leave. "Excuse me giants, I wanna get through" I say to them. They move out of the way except Ghost who just looks down at me

"Move it big man, or I'm gonna steal your dog" I looked up at him.

He snorted but still moved out of the way. I made my way to the rec room to grab a beer and watch a movie for the first time in weeks. Lexa and Riley join me on the couch. I was watching Aliens when Bean runs into the room.

" you admitted to liking the quiet ones once I left what the fuck man, I called it" he yelled.

"Why are you so concerned about my sex life. Go get your own" I yelled back.

"I would if I could but no I'm surrounded by you and the other 2 idiots" he snapped back.

"Whatever I'm surrounded by y'all and I still got dick, not a lot but enough" I responded already feeling tired.

"Yeah yeah, anyways do we have anymore beer" he calmly asked

I told him yes. I was sat on the couch to the left. I couldn't sit in my usual seat because of the dogs but I guess having an entire couch was nice. Everyone ended up coming into the room to watch the movie I put on. Ghost ended up taking my usual seat. Meaning that he was right beside me.

We all watched the movie and I ended up drinking too much near the end of the movie.

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