Late nights

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Ghost sat at the table while I cooked food for 10 people. Did we even have enough seats for everyone. Oh well I made some chicken curry making sure non of the ingredients had eggs in them.

"Alright hobos dinner is done. Remember to get rice" I called out. I watched as people flooded into the rec room. I sat down in my seat only to get up to allow Konig somewhere comfortable for him to sit without being squished. So I was left to sit in between Ghost and Sizzle.

"If you don't move your arm right now, Chaos, I'm gonna break it" Sizzle threatened

"You act like you could even pull that off" I threatened back. I felt Ghost scoot over a little bit, assuming to let me move so I did. I finished eating and got up to put my plate away.

"Wanna drink tonight" Bean asked me.

"No thanks this morning was a roller coaster and I'd like to remember what happened the night before" I answered him going back to sit down.

About 45 minutes later people started to leave to go do whatever. I stayed on the couch but once Sizzle left and I stretched out some more 'accidentally' leaning my body on Ghost. He didn't budge or anything. He actually moved his arm to go over me so he could be more comfortable

 He actually moved his arm to go over me so he could be more comfortable

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Something like this but his arm is over your shoulder.

Ghost turned on a movie and rested his hand just under my boob. Oh why can't he just grab it- whoa wtf excuse you. you haven't even seen the man's face  calm down girl. I felt my face heat up. Hopefully Ghost didn't notice. (He did notice). Soon after Lexa came running into the room and jumped right on my stomach causing me to groan.

"Really Lexa go do that to someone else" I said holding her still so I can breathe again. Lexa laid down on me like she usually does. All the while I could hear Riley running up and down the hall.

"Riley come here" Ghost commanded. Riley came and jumped on me.

"Didn't know I was a trampoline now" I wheezed out. I heard Ghost chuckle. The movement from him chuckling slightly moved me Oop something is purring- can you stop. I shook my head and focused back on the movie.

"What movie is this?" I asked

"I think it said 365 days" he answered. I paused I know that movie. It's sex with a plot.

"Do you know what the movie is about?" I questioned him.

"No but I heard it's about a mafia of some kind" he answered. I didn't mean to laugh but I did.

"The movie is basically porn with a plot" I told him still laughing. I felt him tense up and reach for the remote.

"Wait wait wait the airplane part is coming up" I said wanting to see his reaction. As soon as I saw the guy get up and go into the back of the plane I turned my body towards the TV. As soon as the male character pulled out his dick for the girl to suck Ghost lunged for the remote. I started dying laughing.

"Yeah you're real funny" he said very much unamused.

"I know. But honestly the movie does have a fun plot just tons of sex. Also the dude is so fucking toxic" I said talking about the movie. "He's hot but god I couldn't deal with his double standard ass".

"I might be interested in watching it now" he said looking down at me. I laughed.

"There's 3 of these movies. Oh also there's a boat scene that one is my favorite" I told him.

"Whats the boat scene" he asked almost innocently.

"Just the main characters fucking all over a boat. Imagine being one of the workers on the boat and everywhere you go you just see them fucking on something you just cleaned" I said laughing. I think I'm getting tired I'm laughing far too much. I thought as I yawned. I heard the familiar sound of the movie 365 days. I guess we're watching it. He skipped the airplane scene. So I took the remote so he can't skip anymore.

"Interested in the boat scene?" I asked him. He just hummed as an answer. During the scene where the female character is pleasing herself, I felt Ghost shift a little.

"Cant handle the heat, Ghost" I smirked as I turned my head to look at him. He huffed not meeting my gaze. That only caused my smile to grow. So he can't handle a women pleasing herself huh. We continued to watch the movie. Finally we got to the boat scene.

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