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We were on the move. The dogs had their noses to the ground sniffing for anything and everything. We were moving through a forest in Russia while it was snowing. Riley was first to pick up a scent then Lexa however they were going in separate directions. So we split up my team followed me and lex while Ghosts team followed him.

They kept communicating back and forth while I was focusing on what Lexa was leading me too. Ghost had mention they found an abandoned truck. Lexa finally stopped and sat meaning she's found something. I look up and see a compound just a little bit away.

"Um yall Lexa found the compound" I spoke into my comms.

"What's you position Chaos" Ghost asked

"5 clicks north" I responded out of breath.

"Are you alright y/n" Bean asked noticing.

"I think but just be the fucking snow" I responded honestly.

We waited for Ghosts team to get to us before making a plan of action. We called our captains to keep them informed. Before too long we had a plan.

"Yall better come back today you are still needed for tomorrow and however many days after" Lucy ended the call. Now both teams split into pair of 2. Soap and Bean stayed far to snipe out ones in certain areas. Cracker and Sizzle went scouting out the buildings and killing whoever got in the way. Ghost and I had the dogs going after certain targets while we killed closer ones.

"Hey Ghost" Soap said through comms

"What Mactavish?" Ghost grumbled out. That lead to both Ghost and Soap telling awful dad jokes back and forth.

"What did one goldfish say to the other in the tank?" Ghost asked.

"What" Soap asked back.

"'Do you know how to drive this thing' ... little bit of army humor" Ghost ended off with. I laughed at the no energy he put into that punch line. I felt like someone was watching me so I turned around to find Ghost just about 10 feet away staring at me. Riley was killing someone before she ran by going to Ghosts side. And with that he went back to focusing on the mission.

We cleared the compound but didn't find Hitler wannabe. However we found more evidence of him trying to kill one specific race.

Our walk back to our base for the time being was tiring. I wished we brought like at least a quad or even a dirt bike but no we had to walk. Lexa was even getting tired.

I looked at ghost to see how tired he was because I thought he'd be tired by now but nope him and Riley are still going strong.

What if I jump on him I don't think he'd notice he wearing like a thousand pounds of gear anyways I tried to reason as to why I shouldn't but the clear answer was because he'd most likely shove you off him.

I could finally see base come into view. I wanted to run there and curl up into my sleeping bag but my legs wouldn't let me go any faster. But when I did get there Lexa and I collapsed onto my sleeping bag.

I woke about 2 hours later to find a jacket and another dog on me. So I'm assuming the jacket was also ghosts. The thought made me blush.

Omg did I just blush thinking about Ghost!!?!?? HUH?!?? I smacked my cheeks a few times before sitting up to find everyone in the kitchen except Ghost who was sitting against the wall a few feet away he also saw me smack my cheeks. Great.

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