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Ghosts POV

Y/n and I were fucking when she suddenly went limp in my hold. I stopped immediately and when she didn't react I got scared. I pulled out and flipped her around so I could see what happened. She was unconscious but smiling a dazed smile. It didn't do much to comfort me though. I grabbed my phone and called price to send Lucy to Y/n's room. Price was confused but agreed anyways. I covered y/n with the blanket and made sure she was breathing thank god she was. The door slammed open and Lucy rushed in.

"What happened? is she ok?" Lucy asked going straight to y/n. She was about to pull down the blanket when I stopped her. I awkwardly tried to find a way to explain without being vulgar but decided to throw that out the window.

"We were fucking and then she suddenly passed out." I told her. She looked at me for a second before asking.

"How long have y'all been at it cause from the way her neck looks, it's been a while" she stated straight into my eyes. She almost made me feel threatened for some reason.

"It's been about 2 hours and 5 rounds" I straight out told her.

"We'll there it is. She's tired from all the fucking y'all were doing. The most I've known her do is like 20 minutes and 2 rounds. She's not used to this. She's going to be sore tomorrow so for now just clean her up and let her rest" I nodded about to respond to her before she cut me off. "Also good job 2 hours of just straight sex. Damn you're good no wonder you're ranked first" she said as she walked out.

"Ranked first what the fuck does that mean?" I asked myself. Never mind that I need to focus on getting her cleaned up. I put on my sweats and my mask to go get a few wash clothes. I then moved her to my room so she wasn't sleeping on a dirty bed. She hasn't budged since she passed out. I sat beside for a moment before deciding to get the dogs. As I stood up I heard her mumble something about not leaving her. I kissed her forehead and whispered I'd be right back. I got the dogs inside and settled on the bed. I grabbed boxers to sleep in cause sleeping in pants is uncomfortable. I also put one of my shirts on her before going to sleep.


I woke up and immediately felt pain in my lower region. Oh right we were fucking. I looked around and saw we weren't in my room anymore. I sat up and felt something tighten around my waist. It was Simon holding me like it was his life line. I didn't want to wake him up but I wanted to know what happened. I gently poked his arm to wake him up. And it worked.

"Good morning love. How are you feeling?" He asked in he half asleep daze.

"My ass and legs hurts but I wanted to ask you some questions about last night" I told him. He nodded and began to sit up as well.

"Last night we were having sex and you suddenly went limp so I stopped and looked to see what happened and you were passed out with a dazed smile on your face. I had Lucy come make sure you were ok and she said you just passed out from how much we've done. Then I got you cleaned up and moved you in here" he explained. I passed out while we were fucking god so dumb.

"Shit I'm sorry I didn't realize that I was that tired I really didn't mean to. God and then you had to take care of me. Ugh I'm sorry" I apologized to him which made his confused.

"Why are you apologizing? I was the one who fucked you till the point you passed out. That's on me we should've stopped before it got to the point" he apologized to me pulling me close to him.

"We did 5 rounds right?" I asked and he nodded" ok what if we did just 4 rounds max for right now?" I asked to hopefully prevent this in the future. He turned me around shocked.

"You still want me even after fucking you to sleep?" He seemed so confused. I smiled.

"It's not like you purposely fucked me to sleep also you didn't continue to fuck me while I slept so yeah why wouldn't I. Also you are the only one that has made me cum that many times. No one else even got close." I reasoned. He was amazing at everything he did.

Later on once Simon and I got out of bed, he had to carry me, we put the dogs outside then Simon sat me down on the couch and got us some breakfast. We ate then just watched TV while Simon massaged my legs. He's really good at aftercare. We still haven't seen all of the guys including Bean who I can imagine isn't to happy with me right now.

"Y/n!" Speak of the devil and he shall appear. It was none other than Bean who yelled my name down the hallway.

"What?" I yelled back.

"Listen I'm glad you had a great time but who the fuck goes on for 2 hours?" He asked staring me dead in my eyes.

"Hey don't blame me, he a beast in the sheets dude" I told him pointing at Simon who just laughed. Bean turned attention to Simon.

"What is your secret?" Bean asked seriously. Simon shrugged.

"I don't know just happened" Simon answered still watching TV.

"Fucking for 2 hours doesn't just happen" Bean complained.

"We'll it did cause we only meant for like 2 rounds and then we just kept going. I don't know what you want us to say" I defended. Bean stated for a second then blurted.

"You used viagra, huh?" If I could stand up and punch him I would. However Simon chuckled again.

"Totally" was all Simon said. Bean stomped away towards the kitchen being extra loud with whatever he was doing. However Simon and I just sat on the couch watching whatever was on.

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