Cant Handle the Heat

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Ghosts POV

The boat scene was intense. I could do better but still. They fucked everywhere on that damn boat. Y/n doesn't seem as bothered as I am. Well I haven't fucked anyone is years so it makes sense. And from what I've heard y/n has fucked plenty of people. At the end of the boat scene y/n shifted but she shifted her legs rubbing them together slightly. There it is, she is hot and bothered by the movie, she's just better at hiding it. We watched the movie to the end when Soap walked in, heading straight to the fridge.

"Oh you guys are still up?" Soap asked. I just stared at him as Y/n replied.

"Yeah he turned on a movie that I like but I didn't think he'd like it as well. Really surprising" she responded smugly.

"Ooh what movie?" He questioned further. 

"Oh have you seen 365 days?" She asked. Fuck she's gonna tell him.

"No what's it about?" He replied.

"It's about a guy in the mafia and a girl he likes" she said casually.

"Simon you like romance movies?" Soap asked in disbelief.

"Depends on the type of romance" I answered vaguely. He nodded and grabbed a water bottle before leaving.

"Hmm depends on the type of romance" y/n spoke turning to me yet again. If I could I'd wipe that smirk off her face but I can't. Not yet

"Yeah yeah whatever. What do you wanna watch now?" I asked her to hopefully distract myself from my thoughts.

"Mmh how about a scary movie. Haven't watched one in a while" she answered changing how she sat. She now sat facing the TV leaning on me with my arm still around her shoulders. Oh this women is testing my self control.

"Sure any in particular" I asked her. She shook her head. I found a scary movie and played it.
Y/n got up to grab something.

"You want anything to drink or eat while I'm up" she asked.

You "can you grab the bourbon and a glass" I asked her. I heard her hum and grab everything. When she sat down I got a great view of her ass- I mean she handed me the glass and poured me some bourbon.

Your POV

All throughout 365 days I felt Ghost shift and move. It was nice to know he got hot and bothered so easily. It was only after the boat scene where I shifted. That shit hot asf. But now here we are sitting watching a scary movie. Ghost had now slouched down more and spread open his legs. And god damn that had butterflies all up in my stomach. He lifted the bottom of his mask up to his nose so he could sip his drink. I couldn't help it I stared at the part of his face that was showing. He had a scar on the right side of his face it started just below his nose and went down to his jaw line.

"You're starin sweetheart" He spoke softly still looking at the TV.

"We'll I haven't seen this much of your face before. Of course I'm gonna stare" I said still staring trying to imagine what the rest of his face looks like. He smirked. Holy shit he smirked and I got to see it.

"Why are you so red, y/n catching a cold?" He spoke. Oh this man.

"Yep definitely catching a cold. You mind keeping me warm?" I asked 'playing along'. He chuckled before pulling me even closer. Now my legs were over his thigh and I could smell the bourbon he'd been sipping on.

"Ya warm enough" he asked.

"No I think I need something more" I said. I heard him take a deep breath and release it. Then he repositioned himself. I could see his self control slipping. I was too busy staring when there was a jump scare on the TV causing me to jump. Ghost laughed before taking another sip of his drink.

"Getting scared by a movie?" Ghost teased as he placed his left hand on your right thigh.

"Shut up I was distracted" I grumbled out. He just hummed and patted my thigh. Oh how I just wanted to straddle him but I need to keep my composure. I will not make the first move.

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