Running on the Beach at Night (Chapter 4)

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 Three weeks had passed since the horrible night of graduation. I had seen Izzy here and there but tried my best to stay away. I stayed away from their house, since i couldn't seem to look at Danny without wanting to die inside; also, since i couldn't look at Izzy without be disgusted with myself. They both seemed to be pretty good reasons to me. Though sooner or later I had to face them, i had gotten atleast 3 messages a day from Izzy. Asking what she had done wrong and why i was ignoring her. I felt pretty empty without having my best friend to talk to. I couldn't talk to her though. She would hate me. Even though what happened on the beach that night with Danny would never happen again. I didn't love Danny, even though  he did take my innocents. It was scary to think that losing my virginity hadn't become such a big deal after all. Yes, i am hurt that i lost it from a player, but it had to happen sooner or later. I guess you could say i feel relieved that it's over.

 "Sooo, i haven't seen Izzy around lately. What's up with you and her?" Tanner Calahan asked while taking a sip of his coffee. Tanner was always a great friend, i couldn't have made it though high school without him even though he wasn't in school with me.

 "What do you mean?" I asked. We had been sitting outside Milly's Coffee shop for about an hour now, just chit chatting about school.

 "Come on Sam, you and Izzy have always been inseparable. What the hell happened?" I knew if i really wanted to tell Tanner about the whole Danny situation i could, that is how good of a friend he was. I still wasn't sure though. Tanner had graduated with Danny.

 "We are just taking a break from each other, thats all.." Just keep your answers short and simple, and he'll never know anything is up, i told myself. "We just spend so much time together."

 I was wrong.

 Tanner laughed, "Samantha Smith, i know you all too well. Your like my sister. So, you better get to explaining." Shit.

 "Tanner, its a really long story.." I said taking a sip from up caramel frappe.

 "Ohh i have all the time in the world.." Tanner leaned back in his chair, "Well, 15 minutes worth of time. We have to get back to work soon.." Tanner owned a book store right down the street from Milly's. It was handed down to him by his mother that had passed away 2 years ago. It was my favorite place to be, so finally he hired me about 6 months ago. It has been the best job i have ever had.

 "I had sex." I finally broke out with I had sex? Come on Samantha.. Really?

 Tanner gave me an extremely weird look, before he could say anything i stopped him. "Ooookay, so you had sex, big deal?"

 I hit my hand to my forehead, "Wait, i meant..I had sex with Danny Bradford." My cheeks flushed, It was the first time i had said it out loud. "I lost my virginity to Danny.."

 "Whoa..." Tanner looked at me funny, "You had sex with Dan?"

 I nodded.
Moments passed before he said anything,  "Izzy's brother, Dan?" He looked confused.

 I sighed, "Tanner yes, Daniel Bradford. Danny... Dan.. Whatever.."

 "Izzy find out?"

 "No, she doesn't know...I cant face her." I lean down and put my head in my hands, i wanted to cry.

 "Why did you have sex with him Sam, you know how he is!" Tanner got defensive, like a brother would. "Have you talked to him?"

 I shook my head, "The day afterwards, but that's it. I was drunk when it happened, he was too.."

 "Wait a minute Sam, that is no excuse." Tanner ran his hands through his hair, "I want to kill him." He balled his fists up.

 "Tanner, it was a one time thing."

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