Running on the Beach at Night (Chapter 24)

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Chapter 24-


We were finally back on the land, and I was already wishing I was back in the boat with Danny. I jumped in the car with the rest of them and we drove back to their house.

When we arrived, Charlie was standing outside the house with her arms crossed, tapping her foot. I immediately knew, she was angry. I glanced up at Danny, who sighed and ran his hand through his hair.

Kameron laughed, and then turned his head towards Danny. “Dude, what did you do? She looks like the devil right now.”

Danny didn’t say anything, just kept quiet.

All I knew, was that Kameron was right. Charlie looked like the spawn of satan standing there. I wasn’t sure what to think.

Chapter 24

So, I thought I would throw in a little bit of Danny’s POV. Not much, but a little so you can get a feel of what he is thinking. J



BTW thank you all SOOO much for supporting my story. It means the world to me J

Danny’s POV

My hands gripped tighter on the steering wheel as we drove up, I glanced back to check of Sam’s expression which looked amused. I look back towards Charlie, who was still handing there with her arms crossed and foot tapping. Ugh, this was getting so old. Why couldn’t I just have the balls to break things off, like I wanted?

What a bitch.

I only wanted one day to myself, to hang out with my sister, Sam, and Kameron; and that was too much for her to deal with. So, I did what any man would do. I lied. I had told her that I couldn’t make it to the wedding planner’s meeting because I was sick. What a stupid lie Danny, all because you wanted to be with Sam.

I sat there silently as I turned off the ignition of the car and everyone else got out. I sighed when I finally opened the car door and got out. I stood there for a second trying to avoid her. As I watched everyone else walk towards the door, I walked up the drive way towards Charlie.

Samantha’s face flashed around in my mind. This was my time, just break things off. Be strong for Samantha. God knows she is the only one I want.

Before I could speak any words, Charlie started walking towards me. “I cant believe you. You are such a lying bastard.” She slapped me across my face. I guess I did deserve it. Rage rose in my eyes as I grabbed her hand tightly but when I see tears falling from her eyes, I vowed myself to stay calm.

No, no, no don’t start crying now. I thought to myself, it was the first time I actually had the nerve to break things off for good and she is going to start crying?

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