Running on the Beach at Night (Chapter 6)

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 It is 9:45, still no sign of Grant. I was sitting in the kitchen waiting when my mom walked in. "So, when did you meet him hunnie?"

 "Huh? Meet who?" I ask, how did she know i had met Grant? I was completely confused.

 "Grant, I knew you would be so excited. I told him about your writing career. Isn't he just so cute??" She walked over to the fridge and grabbed the milk, and mixed some into her coffee.

 "I met him the other night, yeah he is really cute."

 "Well, I think you two would make a great couple!" She gave me an excited look.

 "Mom, we are just friends. Geez i just met the guy!"

 "Am I interrupting something??" Grant walked in, he looked hot. He wore a yellow Polo collared shirt with a pair of nice jeans. Damn.

 "Oh no! Not at all!" I answer quickly.

 "Oh.. Okay. You ready?" He grins at me, and then looks at my mom. "Have a good night Ms. Tammy."
 We waked out of the house and headed to my car. I laughed, "I was starting to think you weren't going to show.."

 "Really?" Grant laughs, "You know i had to take my time. You know, just to make you wonder.." He winks.

 Oh, and he was very cute when he winked. "Oh, i wasn't wondering that much about it..."

 "Ha-ha, i bet you weren't"


 We drove to Izzy's. When we arrived there was already a cab sitting outside. I was defiantly worried about tonight. Going out with Danny, Charlie being around, and well Grant too. I know i shouldn't have lied to Grant about Danny and I but I didnt want to ruin anything. Well, i didn't want to ruin our friendship.

 "Thank god your here already, she has been bitching since she got back into town," Izzy whispered to me.

 I looked up to look at Charlie, and she was already staring at me. She was giving me a horrible look. I laughed at Izzy's remark, "She looks like she wants to kill someone."

 "Well, first she got here and she was tired, then Dan told her we were going out and she didn't want too. I was like poor baby. What a bitch." Izzy was bitching as well, though i couldnt help but laughing hysterically. She actually had Grant laughing too. She gave all three of us crappy looks.

 We all got in the cab and headed for The Lampost. It was one of the only places we had to go on nights like these. It wasn't bad at all though. There were always tons of people there on the weekends and great dance music. Even though i wasn't much of a dancer, it was still funny to watch the drunk people make fools of themselves. Well, unless i was drunk. The Lampost is a really old building, downtown. It's pretty, just like most of the older building in town.

 "So, where are we going?" I looked up at Grant, who smiled at me.

 I was about to tell him when Danny looked at us both and gave us horrible looks, "We are going to the Lampost."

 I squinted my eyes at him. You know, two can play this game i thought. He was being extremely rude towards Grant. I plan on making his and Charlie's night hell. I know I know, this isn't my personality; but, he had seriously gotten under my skin.

 When we arrived at the Lampost, Danny ordered all of us a shot. His and Grants were doubles. I glanced over to Danny, "I feel your being a little sexest towards us girls, singles for the women but doubles for the men?"

 "Darling, you couldn't handle it.." Danny said sarcastically.  When Danny called me darling, something inside me turned. My heart started racing. Charlie's expression grew cold.

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