Running on the Beach at Night (Chapter 15)

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Chapter 15-


I laugh, "Well, if that's true why did she feel the need to tell me to stay away from her fiancé?" I ask.

Danny laughs, "She is jealous of you. Did you not see that gown on you? You looked so beautiful. For a minute there, I actually thought all my dreams had come true that you were the one I was marrying instead of Charlie."

His confession made me want to cry, it sounded like he wasn't breaking things off with Charlie.

Danny smiles, and kisses me lightly on the forehead. "Don't worry, I promise I'm going to break things off. I just have to do it the right way, and I'm still trying to figure out just how I'm going to do that." He grabs my hand and squeezes it, "I should go, and I don't want to give Charlie or Izzy a reason to think anything else."

Just like that Danny was gone leaving me.

Chapter 15-

My thoughts recap over the day as I lay in bed. I didn't know whether to cry for sadness or joy. I couldn't read Danny's mind, whether or not he was actually planning on leaving Charlie was questionable. If Danny did leave Charlie, would I be able to trust him? You know the saying, "once a cheater, always a cheater." I had no idea if I could be able to fully trust him or not. Part of me wanted Danny out of my life for good, but the other part was begging for him. Every part of him. His hands, his kisses, his smile, and the intense stares are what actually kept me going through out all the motions every day. I had a terrible feeling though, that everything was going to turn out for the best, and I would be the one heartbroken. Not Danny, or Charlie, it would be me. I wasn't sure if I actually wanted to take that chance yet. I'm too young to feel bitter about love, and I can't already feel myself growing wry of waiting for the answer I don't want to hear. The answer I know I'm going to hear.

My thoughts are interrupted by my phone buzzing in my hear. I had one new text message, from Danny.

Dan- I need to see you.

Me- It's late.

Dan- I don't care Sam. I need you.

Me- Cant.

I tried my best to stay short with him, but it was taking every piece of courage within my body to stay strong.

Dan- Why?


Sam- It's not a good idea.

Dan- Samantha please? I'm begging you, just see me.

I couldn't take it anymore. I wanted to see Danny just as much as he wanted to see me. I finally gave up my hard act and text him back.

Sam- Meet at lighthouse.

I lift myself quickly from my bed and grabbed my blue jean shorts and slipped them on. I grabbed a sweater and slipped it on as well as I ran down the stairs and out the front door. I had no clue what I was doing, but we had to get things straight. For all I knew, Danny could be wanting to tell me something important. I couldn't be clueless anymore. Either Danny was leaving her or not, it was as simple as that. I just needed to know whether I was waiting around for nothing.

As I walked down the beach towards the lighthouse, I vowed to myself one thing. No more sex with Danny until I knew for sure I had him as mine and only mine. Sex just made everything complicated, and everything was already complicated enough.


I finally make my way up to the light house. The light was bright every couple of seconds but I loved being here. It was the prettiest place in Oak Bluff to be. I jump the rocks to make my way to the light house. It was located on a huge rock about 20 feet into the ocean. I jumped over rocks as they led me to the light house. I finally get there and sit one of the rocks putting my feet in the water while waiting for Danny.

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