Running on the Beach at Night (Chapter 27)

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Chapter 27


“If this is about Sam…” My head snapped towards her, how did she know about me and Samantha? “She told me. Dan leave her alone, you know the only thing you are going to do is hurt her.”

What the hell? My father wasn’t on my side, now my sister? I looked at Izzy with an angry expression that I couldn’t hide. “This is none of your business. Stay out of it.”

“Dan, you can get mad at me all you want, but it is my business. Samantha is my best friend and she deserves someone that is going to treat her amazing.        

I could treat her like that. I balled my fists up wanting to hit something hard but I restrained myself. I didn’t want to scare Izzy.

“Besides, I’m really trying to hook her back up with Carter. So leave her alone.” Izzy finally stands from the pool and starts walking back towards the house.

“I love her, Izzy.”

Right, you love her but you just slept with your fiancé after telling her that you hadn’t done that since she came into the picture. You really love her my conscious thought.

Izzy laughed, “Danny, you don’t know what you want. You don’t love her, you don’t love anyone. That’s your personality; you’ll never be a one woman kind of man.”

I stood there, watching sister walk away and thought, could I ever be a one woman kind of man?

Chapter 27! ENJOY J

Sam’s POV-

          It was finally Friday morning, and I was extremely excited to not have to go into work today. Plus, tonight was the big annual Oak Bluff Summer Festival. Nervousness boiled through my veins as I thought about Danny and Charlie both being there. It wasn’t something I was looking forward too, but I promised Izzy I would go. I couldn’t go back on my promise, after everything that had happened a couple of days before.

          I sat at my desk, looking through the Princeton University pamphlet. Was Princeton what I wanted? I glanced over to my left looking at the single piece of paper. It was the contract that the Bennett’s had given to me before we left the restaurant that night.

          I leaned back in the chair, as I thought about living in New York. It would be amazing, since I loved it so much when I visited. The only bad part about going to New York was the plane ride.

          I pushed the paper away. I needed a college education. Picking up and moving to New York City would be immature of me. It would have to wait. Plus, if Danny and I were ever together like I wanted to be, things wouldn’t work out if I were in New York.

          Then again, I didn’t know if Danny and I would ever be anything. I glanced at the paper once more, wanting to sign it badly. Then I thought about the plane ride and quickly looked back at the Princeton pamphlet. This was definitely irrational thinking. It was one plane ride!

 I giggled a little bit, and then started talking to myself. “It’s only one plane ride stupid.”

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