Hiding in plain sight

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      Reminiscing is not helpful for what I'm about to do. When I'm done washing my hands and face, I take out a small inhaler in my right pocket, and push the strings on the top of it two times, should be enough for tonight.

The inhaler is costume made for my personal use, what used to be for people with asthma is now the quickest way to get high, it has two chambers on each side which can contain about 15ml of liquid, after the new year's eve 4 years ago I always carry this when I'm outdoors, the combination depends greatly on the circumstances, tonight is opium mixed with weed, perfect for normal social activity and controlling mood swings.

Two puffs, few shakes of head, I look up in the mirror again I see a young fellow in his finest moment. A smirk on his face that reaches the balance between confidence and arrogance, hair waxed by water, and body language of someone who's enjoying the moment, 'good enough for now' I thought, at least it's realistic; I crack my shoulder and with the drugs that are surging in my nerve system and some slaps on my face, I get into character and open the dressing rooms' door.

I'm hiding in plain sight, I stroll through the pub area making jokes along the way with familiar faces, patting on the backs, bragging about my latest works, asking how's their wife, girlfriends, mistresses, side chicks, boyfriends, boy toys, dogs, cats, shops, businesses, themselves.

" Fuck me, you haven't bitten the dust yet?

" Oi! When you're done with whatever shit your cooking up, come by and have a drink, Christ, you look stressed out.

"Hey lee, some stuff that needs you to step in.......

"Haven't seen you in a while, you good?"

"Lee! Do I need clearance to see you? Bloody hell, you're damn hard to reach nowadays."

"Lee, how you holding up? Anything new under the sun?"

"Well look who's finally showing up...... the rock star of Stynx, you're damn lucky that I don't want to cover the cleaning fees for spilling your brains on the wall."

I talk to them all, no matter if it's dailey gossip or job opportunities (I turned all of them down) or some girl that I forgot the name of. I responded to them in a playful, cocky manner.
This is who I am to them, to most of the people in the city; a capable gun for hire with a silver tongue and an attitude of not giving a fuck.
Finally, I reached the bar counter lev nods at me and signal me that he will be with me in a moment, I cherish that precious time by surveying the customer's faces again, killers, smugglers, dealers, male and female ones, and some girls in neon skirts (I really don't understand why it is so popular), in other words—a regular fucking day.

Maybe she's not here yet I thought while [Don't fear the reaper] is playing. Since I'm sitting by the counter, it is possible to block out people's sound with music if you're focused enough. I take a deep breath and smell cigarettes mixed with fusions, I closed my eyes and let the music take me away without losing the smirk on my face.

"So, what's it going to be?" lev pulls me back to reality with his words, I open my eyes and turn around.
          "Gin tonic for starter." with that he starts prepping, after he's done cutting lemon, he raises his head again.
          "I heard it is a business trip for you tonight ?" lev raise his eyebrows but didn't avert his tension on squeezing the lemon.
    " It is always business for me when I am here but I find ways to entertain myself." lev give me a subtle, almost sorry smile
" Yeah you have made that clear." Popping the tonic water, the bartender puts a spoon on top of the glass before he adds it so the top wouldn't be covered by bobbles.

After two quick stirs on the drink, the Russian puts the Collins glass in front of me and finally made eye contact.

"So, are you booked or still open?" lev asked. "Lots of opportunities tonight."

"Yeah, I noticed but I'm Booked, some old friend contacted me, and I was bored out of my mind on vocation."

"And that's what you were doing? On vocation? "He asks with an unreadable face.

"What's wrong with me taking a vocation? you should try it, good for health, good for the soul." I say with an amused expression and genuine curiosity. He works extra hard on fishing today.

"Yeah, I think those things are beyond saving for us" still smiling and I still couldn't read his face.

I laugh out before finishing the drink in one swig. Drinking sparkling drinks that contain alcohol in one go is the easiest way to get fucked up, but since drinking is one of the first things I learned when I first enter euphoria and is also something I actually like to do, my endurance had built up in years of training so the gin tonic made me get into the best shape for work relating discussions, not to the point of tipsy but enough to loosen me up to be flexible in conversations.

Time for the main reason why I'm here tonight.

Time to work.
Feedback are appreciated, please let me know what you think of the story.

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