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         Yuri and Yevgeniy walks out. If it weren't for the scars on their faces is near impossible to tell the differences between these two. Even though they always denied they're twins, the resemblance speaks differently.

Same hawk nose, thin lips, blue eyes, saint perter's tattoo on left side neck, clean shaven. If it weren't for the scars on their faces I'll never remember who's who. The older brother Yuri has a blade cut that goes from his left eye to the corner of his lip like someone tried to axe his head but failed, the younger brother Yevgeniy has a similar one staring from his right eye and ends at his right ear which has a faint purple trail next to his earlobe.

Some rise in the mobs because of their experience and skill like Igor, some because of their..... 'creativity' like Pytor, and some proven their loyalty by carrying out tough tasks such as Ivan.

And there are others that secured their positions in the organization by their capabilities to destroy.
Yuri and his brother are the definitions of brute force. They're not muscular like Arseny or Ivan's bodyguards. But when it comes to violence and bloodshed, these two can outshine most of the members of the mafia.

Their official job is security for the establishments, running around town, and making sure everything is under control. When there is trouble, most they have to do is show their disturbing faces. What these two truly do and what they're known for, is carrying out raids and attacks. They're affiliated cleaners of Russian mobs.

          The two of them walk out the door and immediately spot me. Arseny took a step left, with a 'your problem' face. The twins approach me in strides. With poker faces on, hands sway as they move.
          Yuri is on the right, his brother is on the left. They stopped a foot in front of me.

          Not a word was uttered, the brothers stare at me with a very serious expression. Yuri's eyes keep tilting their focus on my trouser. Shit, I know what they're up to.
          My body tense up and got ready.

          They switch a look and, in an instant.

          Yuri's knees dropped to a crouching position hands goes for my lower body, his arms extended, targeting my thigh.
          Lower Body tackle.
          I shift my right hand to the side, left feet tiptoe, right knee bolting towards his face. With incredible reaction speed, Yuri changes his hands from wide open with open palms to form a cross, covering his face. The impact was made, but his arm absorbed the force. Not giving me a chance for a second attack, he grabs my leg. And pulls it forward making me lose my balance.

           Only now, does Yevgeniy make his move. Shifting to his brother's side his right arm extended targeting my neck. With perfect coordination with his brother, that damn moment is right when I lose balance. The subconscious sense I'm about to fall backward, so my dominant hand moves to support myself which leaves me defenseless.
             Right before Yevgeniy is about to hook my neck. Another body reflexes kick in.

            I spit the cigarette butt in my mouth at the younger brother. I have done this trick more than a hundred times, but doing it while falling is a first.

            Luck is on my side, it successfully made an impact on Yevgeniy's forehead. A spark shines as his eyes closed, motion stops.
             I took the chance to regain my balance so I don't fall butt-first to the concrete ground. I turned my body 180 degrees till Yuri's behind me in order to pull my right leg back, which drag Yuri forward to me. My body rotates with my left arm for a reverse elbow attack, aiming his face again.

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