At Home

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Piao Jie at night might not be suitable for wandering. Gangsters, thugs, junkies. The usual.
The thing about Chinatown and whoever lives here is they don't want trouble. The Qin's control over this district is one of the most absolute in Euforia. In a certain way, it makes the streets here safer than most. Crimes are a family business here. And Chinatown is their kingdom which they rule with iron fists. But it also makes the Qins on these streets loads of arrogant cunts since they can literally do whatever they want.

Years ago, the city police change their methods of assigning forces. Officers in different precincts are no longer assigned by the central. They're recruited by the locals within that district. That was the last stroll. Now the policies are like inflatable tube man. Waving, smiling on the streets...... for most of the places. Except for downtown, the business center and Monclea. That policy implies they have given up on any southern or western parts of the city, all they care about is to protect the safety and interests of the rich and powerful in town. Thus the gangs in the other areas became the law in their separate kingdoms.

That situation is especially severe in Piao Jie and Desalos as I said. They are the laws here. And considering the delicate relationship I have with them it's best to avoid rector street and other main roads. So after leaving Jiu Lou. I start heading south.

Close to the avenue right now. The number of gangsters and middle age-old women in shady alleys or just flat-out standing under lamp polls is getting higher and higher. I'm not at the Glen yet but I can already see some stores with Ukiyo-e women painted on unnoticeable entrances and establishments looking like they were made by neon tubes. These are the indecent businesses that fail to compete with the ones on the avenue, so decided to relocate to some of the less aggressive places. Nevertheless owned by the Qins. But the suits are less seem in comparison to other places.

Heading west on a parallel street of the avenue. Except for some teenagers who just had a wild night out, a couple of black vehicles passing by, and some local thugs or young ruffians. There's nothing of note. I walk quickly with my head low and both hands in my jacket pockets. Most just gave me a quick glance and ignores me. A group of delinquents was walking straight toward me but took a step left after I gave them a glare. I'm back in Nochnaya shortly after.

Vera said I hate Noch. A part of me does. The shining, uncaring neon lights, muggers in dark alleyways, and running into 'patrols' are all annoying as fuck.
But there's something about this place. The cold and violent stories these concrete pavements and brick walls tell, the familiar faces in Icebreaker, and the streets I knew inside out.
Yes, this place is a shitty neighborhood. But it's the closest thing I can call home.

The southern side of Noch is a maze made of identical apartment buildings and narrow alleyways. Only a few miles north of the public housing area. I can see about eight youngsters smoking at the park entrance not far from here. Some nights, I'll walk past them on purpose. But not tonight. I'm fucking tired.

Dashing to one of the dark alleys. I start heading north. Turn left at the back of a burger joint. Go straight through the unloading area of a motel. Another right when I see a fat drunk sleeping by the wall.

Snaking through buildings and flashing yellow lights until the sound of partygoers carrying each other out from pubs and clubs became noticeable again. I take another right and return to one of the main roads. Following two wobbly walking women in leather skirts and high heels(one of them is broken) for five more blocks I take another right, went straight through Lesnaya, and keep heading north. Until I reached the residential area again.

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