Land of milk and honey

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Crowds on both sides of the road reappeared and the familiar sights of neon lights, clubs, and the dark alley between concrete buildings. Feel like the car window is a TV and I'm watching some third-rate cop show. The car had entered 'Nochnaya'(noch).

Nochnaya is the Russians' territory, located in the southwest of the city right next to piao jie and a few blocks away from the end of glen avenue (or the start of it depending on your perspective).          

Much different from Chinatown's landscape, noch has the most popular nightclubs and pubs in town. And of course, any lucrative businesses in this area are owned, run, protected, and blackmailed by the Russian mobs (they have a name, but I can't pronounce it).
     Before Faust became the city it is now, it used to be one of the biggest transfer stations for smugglers. Back in the day, they use uninhabited islands close to Faust and the city's geographic location to switch, guns, drugs and people, from cargo ships to local fishing boats in order to bypass inspections from customs on the continent. Then some genius decided to build a giant canal.

Now that Faust became one of the most developed cities in the world, the illegal trafficking business become even easier to operate than before. The cargo on freights can go straight through the canals without needing to switch contrabands to fishing boats. Without needing to use any other coastline cities or inland smuggling routes on this side of the continent, Euforia single-handedly takes over the task of delivering happiness for half of the world.

In the initial confrontations between all the criminals wanting to get a slice of the second American dream. The Russians were blood-bathing with the Latinos, both sides lost a lot more than they were willing to sacrifice so at the end they come to an agreement. They share the trafficking business of this city (guns by the Russians, drugs by the Latinos)
       The west side of the canal belongs to the South Americans, the east belongs to the Russkiye's as long as no one oversteps the other side of the river. An agreeable peace was made. But that doesn't mean they like each other.

    If the Latinos were the old nemesis of the Russians, then the Chinese is the new rival.
    Chinatown used to be a simple migrant community; they weren't here for riches they were here for honest work. But this land seems to be able to drag the most primordial instincts out of its inhabitants, people begin to ask themselves: what can I do to earn a few dollars more?
The answer is simple, you sell your soul and dignity, they started engaged in illegal business but since both guns and drug business are already taken and the other two players in town they are not keen on sharing, they have to come up with their own game.

And since people in this city always have a thing for exotic, new things. And what's more exotic than having a Chinese girl by your side or more over, by your arm? Thus, the red light district and glen avenue were created.

Over the course of years, the Chinese in the city had built their own kingdom using opium den, badger game, tricking young Asian women to sell love in this city of dreams, controlling the prostitution business with highly addictive drugs, and many more.
People often speculate where the Chinese get their hands on so much opium and drugs but since china town is an ecosystem of its own (a very exclusive one) so no speculations were proven right yet.

And why would the sex business got anything to do with gun trafficking? Because both sides overstepped.
Recently the Russians are planning to get into the prostitution business since they already have their supply of clubs and girls so creating a little side business seems like a reasonable choice, but in the process of these 'expansions' they notice some Chinese girls that come to Nochnaya for the party were actually prostitutes from 'piao jie'. (Glen Avenue goes from Demand exceeding supply to oversupplying)

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