Sorrow, Disease, Vice, Violence, Greed, Madness, Old age, Death

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"Was hoping you would let me take care of it. Cracking some skulls is the best stress relief. " Ivan whines as he opens the door that leads back to the back alley.
"My way was faster, besides they're just downstairs. You can get some 'stress relief' anytime you want." Ivan lets out a hum.
"Those two Chinese......they work directly for the emperor himself?"
"Yeah, I'm positive."
"Сукин сын. What the fuck did you do to have them on to you?"
"Tell you later. First, I need to make another phone call, I'll meet you back in your office." I take out my phone and dial Nan's number again.
"Tsk. Sometimes you sound just like Larisa." Ivan opens the door that leads to the dance floor.
         "Well, That's fucking harsh. Do I look that old?" Ivan waves his hand as the door closes behind him. I hold the phone while surveying the alleyway. The ring back proceeds for almost a minute.
          Even though I'm certain Xu Yu was telling the truth, I still want to know what they have to say about this.

          This is taking too long.

          I thought back to what he told me. Qin Cunhua, the emperor himself task those two to spy on his own daughter........ Overlooking the fact that it sounds weird as fuck, is it because Qin Yan is making some moves that her father disapproved of? Is it because of the package in my jacket? For fuck sake the temptation to open it grows over time.
          Just before I get sent to voice mail he finally picks up.
          "Hello, Nan! I just had a little profound conversation with Xu Yu. He told me his side of the story. Now I want to hear yours." I say with a cheerful sound.
           There's some static in the back and a series of noises, the sound of boots impacting the floor. After a loud 'thump' noise. It's silence again.
           "Nan if this is a bad time we can always......"
           "Mr.Lee. " The sound of a wind chime rings through my phone.
           "Miss Qin..... didn't expect to hear your voice again so soon."
           "This task has my utmost attention. Mr.Lee. I've heard about your ...... circumstances. I understand you might suspect that I have you followed. But I can assure you I would never do such a thing that would potentially sabotage your work. What do I need to do to have you believe me?" Welp. She asked for it.
           "For starters, what do you know about
Xu Yu?"
".......I don't know him personally but I know he reports directly to my father."
Good enough.
"Hah. Next. Who's Ching Lou?"
"Mr.Lee. This is some very....."
"Answer my question or I'll burn the envelope before Ivan sees what's inside."
"......Ching lou is one of the most well-respected seniors in our organization. He's also the mentor of Xu Yu and a close associate of my father."
So far so good. Both she and the poor bastard downstairs are telling the truth. Few questions remain but I don't think I can get any of this on the phone.
"Thank you for your honesty, Miss Qin. Now would you put Nan on the phone? I got something to ask him too." A bit of static, then Nan's voice came through.
"Mr.Lee. What can I be of service?" A mocking tone, I can almost see the smirk on his face.
"Nan! I would like to apologize for my behavior earlier." I use the most sincere sound I can come up with right now. "And also. Hope you and June can xiucheng zhengguuo." I say the last sentence in Chinese.
"How the fuck did you......"
"Tell Miss Qin I'll get the job done." I hang up on him again.

I take a moment before opening the door to Ivan's office. The thought of dragging Ivan into this cluster fuck keeps bugging me. A man like him could take it. Whatever 'it' is. Now that my job is coming to an end I can only hope the best for him.

            Whatever comes after..... a smile forms on my face. Never knew it would be the other way around, brother.

            Ivan is sitting on his chair behind the desk reading some crumpled notes from a folder. He leans back in his chair when he sees me.
           "Now. Are you going to tell me what in the name of god were you up to tonight?" He lights up a cigarette, takes a small drag, and puffs out towards the ceiling. The smoke in the air slowly flows through the golden edge of the black ceiling.     

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