Sword of Damocles

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          "Your sincerity and generosity are examples all the people of Faust should follow, Miss Qin. A promise made is a promise kept, I'm thankful that you didn't renege." Yet. Miss Qin's smile remains the same.

          "I'm flattered by your words, sir." A small flinch at the corner of her left eye. Qin Yan puts her right hand over the left on the table, leaning forward. "I believe now is your turn to honor the deal. I would like a full report on your task."

           "Certainly." Three sets of eyes, some eager, some doubtful, some reserved. All are on me. I put away my smile.

           "On the way to the icebreaker, there were two men following me, they were skilled and experienced at such actions." Not many reactions since they probably all knew it from my call.

           "I was able to capture them for interrogation. After cross-examination to confirm you guys didn't try something so moronic I carry on with my work." Nan side-eyes me at 'cross examination', Xiao raises her eyebrow at my words.
           "Ivan.......well, I'll spare y'all the detail. I got him to open the package, after a very provocative discussion. Ivan, being a pacifist and a man of benevolence. Has agreed to take your proposal." Miss Qin frowns lightly.

            "After burning the envelope as you requested, I made my way back immediately......." I move my line of sight from her to Nan. With a grin on my face, he lost his.

            "But as I reached the front gate, outstanding security by the way. I look to my left and look to my right. There was no sign of Mr. Nan!" I raise my eyebrows, disclosing with a dramatic tone. Nan rolls his eyes but quickly put on a poker face as Miss Qin turns around to stare at him.

          Considering what he did, this is the least I can make him pay.

          "As my mind bolted through ways to get in here. Miss Xiao over here, kindly showed me a way in and escort me through the facility." I tilt my head towards her. "Oh and don't forget the cigarette you owe me." I gave her the most sincere-looking sly smile. Qin Yan rests her head on her right hand, looking back at Xiao who's biting her lips and glaring at me intensely.

           "Very.....fascinating, Mr.Lee. But there are a few questions I would need you to elaborate on further.

"First of all, what's Mr.Ivan's response in detail?"
            Here goes nothing Ivan.
"He suggests we hold this ... meeting. Four days later. 9 at night." She thinks for a second before giving me a nod.
"That's doable on my end, what about the place?" I can't help but grin.
"Club 57."
"Perfect, I have a booth there." She answers almost immediately with a smile. But suddenly shuts her mouth as her eyebrows knit together, with an apologetic tone she says.

             "Mr.Lee. I have to inform you that the place requires......soigné outfits." Both Xiao and Nan grin silently behind Miss Qin, especially Xiao, she's barely containing a laugh.
Yeah, yeah...keep laughing you bunch of cunts in hundred-dollar suits.

              "I'll keep that in mind."
              "And also, the place generally has a ..... Masquerade ball theme. As some of the more identity-sensitive individuals wear masks. I suggest we do the same considering the nature of our gathering." Wouldn't dare go near the place without one. I see Xiao clenching her fist for some reason, Nan looks......like he's looking forward to it.

              "Agreed, I'm sure Ivan are thinking the same thing when he proposed the idea."
              "I'm sure he also knew that carrying weapons is forbidden in Club 57. Hence the suggestion?" She tilts her head to the side but keeps eye contact.
              "He did. I don't. Hence the suggestion."
Qin Yan lets out something between a laugh and exhaling like Xiao.
              "Very well. Lastly, did Mr.Ivan mention anything regarding manpower? How many will he bring?" She quickly adds. "If he's not intended on informing us I can understand."

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