When in doubt, wear black

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        Two blocks north. I turn right, stepping into Via Martinase. The place is bustling even though it's three in the afternoon. The ringed Main Street of Faust consists of boutiques and three-story high stores with electronic screens covering the entire front. Expensive-looking leather shoes in shabby and confined stores, shabby clothes in expensive-looking high-end stores.

          To people on business trips and tourists, this is where they'll spend most of their time since it's one of the safest and 'cleanest' areas in town.
          For lots of folks, Via Martinase represents Faust because they wouldn't dare wander off the ring too far. Some bold young couples might visit Nochnaya to experience a different kind of nightlife but most will stay within the state of law at the city center.

          Naturally, congress threw increasing amount of funding to Main Street. They encourage all types of small business owners to set up their shop around the ring, basement pubs, bistros, foreign restaurants, suite hotels specifically build for business travelers, old fashion barbershops, and even some clubs at northwest close to lanes.

          They intentionally make the area around vía Martinase as packed as possible, filled with authentic stores and international brands. Giving you all the reasons to stay in this place without venturing outside to see the real Faust.

          It's hilarious how ordinary the place turned out to be compared to the rest of the city. But after constantly looking over your shoulder for too many years, some fellows in my line of work would still rant about moving here to experience a more peaceful life. I used to have similar ideas.

          This part of the main road is too close to Saint Elisha therefore to my relived, there aren't many neon lights. Especially at this hour. All I got to worry about is the sun and any signs of boryokuda.

          Despite what dojo told me, I still preferred not to be recognized by them. 40 thousand is a lot of money, someone could pull me in a ven, stab me and throw me at the doorstep of their establishments to make a quick score. Though it's unlikely to happen on Via Martinase, not just because of the police respond time but also because there are way too many eyewitnesses on the street.

          Three blocks later I make a left and head north towards the address on a business card. A group of students walk out of a headphone shop forming a circle on the pavement while slowly moving forward. Blocking the whole pavement.
I take two steps closer walking right behind them but the kids don't seem to notice.

Judging from the same backpacks they carry I'd say they're in junior highs. But if I remember correctly, schools are not out yet. And the excitement underneath those vibrant eyes, the smiles that are barely held back by Zygomaticus Major, and the kid in the middle of the circle is hugging instead of carrying his backpack all confirm they had a great time today.

The human mind works in a mysterious and accursed way as I start wondering if I was given the chance will I be like them? Skipping classes and shoplifting with classmates, faking a doctor's prescription and teacher's sign, walking around the street without worrying about someone following you with their hands in hoodie pockets. All there is to worry about is what the girl sitting behind you is whispering to her friends.

What a fucking fever dream that would be......

I take out my pack of cig, put one in my mouth, light it with Ivan's match, and take a deep fucking drag. And puff out all the smoke toward the kid in the middle. Half of them immediately cough, and the other half turn around and realize there's a not so friendly looking guy behind them.

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