Extra chapter: Snatch

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I duck right into the plated hallway, half a second before too late as the base of a vase explodes next to me. Before the neck fell to the ground, the 5.56 green tip had ripped through the falling tiles and thin concrete wall of the disolated hallway, and landed somewhere in the loiters.

My breaths on skates, and my eyes are adapting to the dark so slow that I'm dodging the lines in the dark. Adrenaline makes them look reddish and purple.

A round bounce on the exposed rebar of the concrete ruin as a small spark jumps off. Then another shreds through what I assume was the light ball as meek sound of shattered glasses falling amidst my thumping heartbeats, wind by my ear, shuttings behind me, and the rifle muzzle. Not too sure though.

The fellows in the back are reacting accordingly now. Guess they finally figured blasting through the dark is meaningless, as the shots are becoming more and more well-positioned to avoid hitting the rubbles and old furnitures in the hallway.

The noise of three maybe four poorly made zastava m85 firing in a closed hallway is deafening. I just hope it's doing more damage to their ears than mine.

How the fuck are those pieces of scrap functional?

A bullet flies by the left side of my waist, an inch closer it would have shatter half of my organs. I bent down while my right-hand reaches for the torn light switch that is now a groove. Fingers dug in it and let the momentum drag me inside the room....

As the gunfire rained outside, I made the mistake of trying to close the door. Took me five seconds in the dark probing and poking like a moron before I realized the room doesn't have one.

Fucking Pytor, god willing he better double the pay.

As the fellows realize I'm not in the hallway anymore. A couple of short exchanges later they stopped firing along with all the noises, except the hot bullet cases rolling on the ground.
Then came a shutting in Bulgarian dialect that sounded like a French chain smoker clearing his throat. Two seconds later they shut again, adding a word or two.

I couldn't understand even if I wanted to. Let alone the fact that I'm busy looking for the stashed.

I put my palm on the east wall by the blocked window and feel along it. The shutting stopped too, couldn't hear them over my beating heart but I know they're searching door by door now. Any sound louder than footsteps will draw them here.

My hands are getting sweaty as I tighten my grip on the leather handle of attach case full of Swiss bearer bonds. A loud crack of metal hinges ripped off the wall followed by the thin wooden door falling on the ground came through the entrance.

The ruckus of earlier without a doubt alarmed everyone in the building. I'm on the fourth floor. Those fuckers could come upstairs any second, while the gunners are pressing in on me. Pinning me in the middle.

I lean close and knuckle the concrete east wall every step I took towards the cabinets at the corner..... but all I got was dull feedback and scratches of peeling white paint on the back of my palm. 

The noise of another door kicked down came, this time closer. The Bulgarians shut something again, and laugh to themselves. A taste of metal at the end of my tongue surges. I lick my lips and quicken the process.

Como on, come on!

A single sentence was roared through the corridor. A moment later the gunshots rang again, recking the tinnitus back. For what reasons I couldn't tell.

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