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         "Let's start with introductions eh?"
         Compelling a normal and genuine smile out of yourself in scenarios like this is something I suck at. In fact, one of the reasons I had my inhaler made is for me to get into character smother, and it still took a shit load of practice to make it look believable. ('A bit too dramatic' in Vera's words)

          And as green as I was, I could only imagine later on how fucking sorry was mine acting that night.

         "I'm a freelancer..... Took the wrong job at the wrong time from that greasy wop." I nod towards the street outside. "And y'all are Knox's group. Employed by the O'deans for sanitizing reasons right?" The man in the beanie tilts his head to the side for a moment, deep in thought.

          "More or less. My turn, why haven't my employer called yet?" Scythe through a field, cutting straight to the point.

           Regarding the situation I'm in, no matter the case Enzo's agenda will play the defining role. In this guy's words, Enzo is the one with four of a kind while I'm stuck with a dead man's hand. Anyone would have put all the marbles on him on prevailing. So I'm going to do the same.

          "Because. At this moment an associate of mine had convinced them to..... reconsider their options." His facial muscles drag his skin at the corner of his mouth to form an insidious smile but there are no traces of joy in his eyes.

           "So you're telling me that... Those O'deans at the back, who are hell bound to do this..... Who threw everything they got into this raid? Who already paid us a considerable amount of commission ..... bailed just now?" Taking a step forward, he tilts his head downward slightly to match my gaze.
            Commission......Oh, I can work with that..

            "Only commissions eh?" A grin forms naturally on my face as I scoffed. The scout by the corner turned his head towards me, frowning. I take a deep breath and go over the play again, making sure there's nothing he can use to see through my bullshit.

            "The associate of mine, whose name y'all may or may not know. Is Enzo." I quickly shift my line of sight off the man in a beanie to see how the others react. As subtle as they've shown most of them register the name.

            "Earlier today Alonzo who was going to open the back door for them to penetrate from the rear while you guys spit roasted them at front." Panoptes arch his back forward slightly his lips twitched, almost slipping a smile.

            "But Alonzo is dead." The man in front of me squints his eyes again. Narrowing his eyes into a brown slit like a reptile. "He was caught wearing a bulletproof vest while sweating like a catholic priest in an elementary school's pool." Panoptes turned his face to the wall, holding out a laugh while the scout behind him raises his head to the sky trying to control his facial muscles.

              Not my intention but it would help. I return my focus back to the leader of the group.

             "It only took 20 minutes and minimum effort to crack him. He spilled the whole thing, including Enzo's involvement before they open a third eye on his forehead." Irritation, tiredness, and...... a hint of glee. He doesn't like rats either.

             "But Enzo struck a deal with Nicola. He.... Convinced Nicola to let him talk to the O'deans at the back...." Now for the bait. "Question, when was the last time your employers contacted you?" I take a look at the crowd while asking with a sarcastic tone.

The beanie guy remains unshaken and emotionless, at least in terms of facial expressions. The others couldn't compose themselves as well as him but were pretty good too, yet the idea of doubt was planted, some narrowed their eyes, and other's breathing gradually spiral to heavy exhales.

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