Unruly sister

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She's slightly younger than her sister (21 to 24), Same pale chiseled face but with a much more enthusiastic expression on it, black straight hair, eyes that are a bit bigger, and is much more energetic than her partners. She wears dark makeup with red lipstick and long eye lingers but her eyelashes remain untouched (a practical choice). A black leather jacket covers her white office shirt......... and she wears a tie for some reason. I also notice there is a heavily modified rifle on the passenger seat.

"Lee, meet my unruly sister Vix......or Viviane when she's off duty. She's the only crew in my cleaning group."

"Pleasure." Viviane gives me a little wave and a smile (without any implication unlike her sister).

"Viviane this is Lee......"

"The mediator and the one that got away."

She finishes the sentence first and turns her attention back to me "I saw you in the crosshair and told my sister there's an outsider in the party. She was skeptical about letting you escape the scene you know."

"No hard feelings?" Vera asks.

"None" I shrug. "Wait so you were at the plaza too?"

"We both were there before you guys show up. Vel was on the driveway I was on the fourth floor of one of the buildings giving her covering fire and scouting the place. We had a debate on the radio about whether we should kill you or not, and for the record, I vote for you to live." She gave me a wink at the end of that.

"Thanks a lot for that." I can survive close confrontations but a sniper and a bullet out of nowhere will put me six feet under without question.

"And what did you vote for when you know I was there?" I put on a curious face and pick on Vera.

"I voted 'if he shoots me, I will count him in the contract'." Reasonable.

"Guys I don't mind chatting in the rain since I'm in a car but shouldn't you two get in already?" the younger sister stops for a moment then look at me and adds. "That includes you, lee."

"Where are you guys heading?"

"East, to the main road. We got a little ritual every time we finish a job. "Vera replied.


"Code name for getting drunk." Viviane rolled her eyes and explained, "Is our way of celebrating that we're still alive after a job."
I can almost hear the idea 'pops' out of Viviane's mind as her face is lit up by excitement, "Want to join us?"
I'm too tired to say no, and I had already given up the chance of getting any sleep tonight. Besides, I need a ride back home. The bus is still missing.

I glance at the older sister next to me and find her waiting for my answer too with her signature 'curious' expression.

"How could I say no to an invitation like that? Besides, I think I fit the bill for 'celebrating being alive after work' too." Don't make playing with fire a hobby. A voice in my mind warns me.

"Nice, you wouldn't know how long it's been since I have had a drink with a normal human being."

Vera rides shotgun, I took the back seat. As I look out the window the bus stop and the streetlight quickly disappear in the night. So much happened in such an unremarkable place I thought. Viviane sped through the empty road of the neighborhood, the streetlamps and the scattered rooms with lights on in public housing along the way all became blurred in my eyes.

A light show performs by poverty and desolation.

"Where did you get the car?" Vera asks while taping the glovie like she just realizes she doesn't recognize the car.

"Yeah, remember that 'urgent matter'? There was a sniper on the roof who took off as soon as you started swiping the place, I chased him down the block and nailed him a second before he got into his car. The key is still in his hand, so I thought 'The universe grants me a working automobile. It would be rude not to take it."
I got a feeling this woman is a lot easier to be with than her sister.

"And after that, I drove to that bus stop of meddlesome and saw you flirting and laughing with the guy you want dead 10 minutes ago......."

"Considering killing him," Vera broke her sisters' monologue halfway through. "And I was just trying to know him better." She adds.

"Alright, as I was saying. I saw you two talking and thought 'it would be rude to disturb the moment' so I switch off the headlight, park the car, and got nice and comfortable to enjoy the show....... Until you pulled a gun on her, not gonna lie I had your face in crosshair and was ready to blow your head off." So that's why I felt like I was being watched again.

          "But then, I saw neither of you caring about the fact that one of you is pointing a gun at another and just carrying on flirting so I thought' If none of you cares then why would I?'." Vera sighs again at the word 'flirting'.

           It really was a fucking miracle I survived.

"Not long after I made the decision, lee put the gun away and you gave the 'all clear'. Then here we are, two cleaners and a mercenary in the same stolen car. Fuck, that sounds like the start of a bad joke." Vivianne ......This girl is a blast, and the fact that Vera has a poker face on just makes it funnier.

"You do know we can't keep this car right?" Vera asks.

"Yeah...yeah, I know. But is not like there is any taxi around. And lee proved the city's public transportation sucks" No shit. That bus schedule was a scam.

"So where to? We're almost at nochnaya." Viviane asks.

"Take the highway around the city center. Let's go to the usual place."
I hope you enjoy my story, pleases leave a comment or suggestion on how I can better my story.

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